When using ModelingToolkit to model and using NonlinearSolve to solve, I find that the variable range I have set seems to be ineffective.
@variables z[1:numcomp] [bounds = (0,1),guess=0.2]
@variables x[1:numcomp] [bounds = (0,1),guess=0.2] y[1:numcomp] [bounds = (0,1),guess=0.2]
@variables flow_in [bounds = (0,100),guess=50] liquid_out [bounds = (0,100),guess=50] vapor_out [bounds = (0,100),guess=50]
@variables enthalpy_in [bounds = (-1e18,1e18),guess=50] enthalpy_liquid [bounds = (-1e18,1e18),guess=50] enthalpy_vapor [bounds = (-1e18,1e18),guess=50]
@variables vaporFraction [bounds = (0,1),guess=0.5] T [bounds = (100,500),guess=298.15] P [bounds = (0,10132500),guess=101325]
@variables Q
@parameters flow_scale
How should I set the variable range to be an effective constraint when solving a system of nonlinear equations?