Is this normal?
julia> a = reduce(0, 1:4) do x,y
x += y < -1
julia> a = reduce(1:4) do x,y
x += y < -1
I’d expect both to result in zero.
Is this normal?
julia> a = reduce(0, 1:4) do x,y
x += y < -1
julia> a = reduce(1:4) do x,y
x += y < -1
I’d expect both to result in zero.
I am not sure why you expect this. Try
f(x, y) = x += y < -1
f(0, 1)
f(0, 2)
# ...
f(1, 2)
Oh, I understand my problem here, I thought that the initial value of reduce defaults to zero when it’s omitted from the function call. But it’s set to the first element of the iterable, right?
See ?reduce
It is unspecified whether
is used for non-empty collections.
Ideally, v0
is a “neutral element”, so it should not matter. But this does not hold in your case.
I have to admit that even after reading reduce’s help and your reply, I just don’t understand what the initial value is set to when it’s omitted from the function call
In that case reduction starts with the first pair:
julia> function f(x, y)
println("called with $x and $y")
x + y
f (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> reduce(f, 1:4)
called with 1 and 2
called with 3 and 3
called with 6 and 4
But as stated in the docstring, this won’t work for empty collections:
julia> reduce(f, [])
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
[1] _mapreduce(::Base.#identity, ::#f, ::IndexLinear, ::Array{Any,1}) at ./reduce.jl:265
[2] reduce(::Function, ::Array{Any,1}) at ./reduce.jl:330