How go back one release with juliaup

Hi, guys,
I have installed my latest Julia releases with juliaup. Below is my status.
How go back to the previous release ( ) ?
I suppose just one commend is sufficient … but I was unable
Thanks for help !!

$ juliaup status
 Default  Channel  Version                      Update 
       *  release

You can do juliaup add 1.10.4 I think, and then run it with julia +1.10.4 (or set it as the default).

If you’re asking how to arbitrarily do one release earlier than the current one (analogous to HEAD~1 for git) I don’t think that’s supported.

Worked perfectly !
Ald how to set the default?

Ideally the juliaup help system should be enough to find out.

$ juliaup
The Julia Version Manager

Usage: juliaup <COMMAND>

  default      Set the default Julia version
  add          Add a specific Julia version or channel to your system. Access via `julia +{channel}` e.g. `julia +1.6`
  link         Link an existing Julia binary to a custom channel name
  list         List all available channels
  override     Manage directory overrides
  update       Update all or a specific channel to the latest Julia version
  remove       Remove a Julia version from your system
  status       Show all installed Julia versions
  gc           Garbage collect uninstalled Julia versions
  config       Juliaup configuration
  self         Manage this juliaup installation
  completions  Generate tab-completion scripts for your shell
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

To launch a specific Julia version, use `julia +{channel}` e.g. `julia +1.6`.
Entering just `julia` uses the default channel set via `juliaup default`.

$ juliaup help default
Set the default Julia version

Usage: juliaup default <CHANNEL>


  -h, --help  Print help

$ juliaup default 1.10.4
Configured the default Julia version to be '1.10.4'.