How does the module system actually work?

This strict dependency in declarations (that you see in C/C++) is not necessary in Julia. Having said that, I do find that simplifying your code to avoid circular dependencies is typically a good idea (whenever possible), as it makes your solution easier to read.

Going back to organizing your “module system”: In Julia, “software modules” are called “packages”, and I recently made a PR to help people get started:
FAQ: Creating your first package by ma-laforge · Pull Request #39186 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub

But, to make it easier to read, here is a copy of it:

Creating your first Julia package

A quick way to start any new package is to create a skeleton with the Julia package manager:

julia> ]
pkg> generate path/to/my_package_repo/MyFirstPackage

The path/to/my_package_repo directory should now have the following contents:

└── MyFirstPackage
    ├── Project.toml
    └── src
        └── MyFirstPackage.jl

Using this method, a [UUID](@id man-code-loading-uuid) is automatically generated for the new package and written to Project.toml.

Testing/developing your new package

An easy way to make packages available to the active Julia environment is to add a package repository to the LOAD_PATH variable:

julia> push!(Base.LOAD_PATH, "/abs/path/to/my_package_repo")

To automate this process and make the repository available for every new julia session, add the above statement to ~/.julia/config/startup.jl.

Hello World!

Since pkg> generate automatically creates a greet() function, you can call it after loading MyFirstPackage with either import or using:

julia> import MyFirstPackage
julia> MyFirstPackage.greet()
Hello World!

Alternative: Testing/developing your new package

It is also possible to add new packages-under-development to a given project/environment using [pkg> dev /abs/path/to/my_package_repo/MyFirstPackage](@ref Pkg). However, beginners might want to keep to the LOAD_PATH solution until Julia [projects & environments](@ref man-code-loading-environments) are well understood.

Organizing package files

There are no strict rules on how to organize package source files, but the following is a good starting point:

└── MyFirstPackage
    ├── Project.toml
    └── src
        ├── MyFirstPackage.jl
        ├── component1.jl
        ├── component2.jl
        ├── component3
        │   ├── subcomponent1.jl
        │   └── subcomponent2.jl
        ├── component4.jl

In this example, a “component” could be anything that warrants being in a seperate file. For example:

  • A set of functions to operate on a given type (like an “object” definition).
  • Code used to display objects of multiple types (ex: collection of show methods).
  • A collection of type definitions.
  • A given software layer (ex: the external interface intended for users of the package).

Here is a slightly more concrete example:

└── MyFirstPackage
    ├── Project.toml
    └── src
        ├── MyFirstPackage.jl
        ├── types.jl
        ├── mainalgorithm.jl
        ├── FileFormatA
        │   ├── FileFormatA.jl
        │   ├── reader.jl
        │   └── writer.jl
        ├── FileFormatB
        │   ├── FileFormatB.jl
        │   ├── reader.jl
        │   └── writer.jl
        └── display.jl

With such a file structure, MyFirstPackage is assembled by loading code from individual files (using include() statements). The following illustrates how this can be done:


module MyFirstPackage

#Import EXTERNAL packages required by solution:
using FFTW #Does frequency analysis
import Gtk #Needs a GUI (import avoids namespace pollution/collisions)

#Include INTERNAL project files themselves:

#Convenience functions:
readAdata(filename::String) = FileFormatA.readdata(filename)
readBdata(filename::String) = FileFormatB.readdata(filename)




#Outside: Namespace is still "MyFirstPackage"

module FileFormatA #Preference: solution is cleaner with separate namespace
#Inside: Namespace is "MyFirstPackage.FileFormatA"

#Import EXTERNAL packages required by this "sub-module":
using DataFrames #Build on readily available reader/writer

#[Probably add type definitions here]

#Include INTERNAL project files themselves (file-relative):



On a conceptual basis, src/FileFormatB/FileFormatB.jl would be similar to src/FileFormatA/FileFormatA.jl.