Based on your output, perhaps you are manipulating the LOAD_PATH
? How are your files organized on disk and how are you getting them into Julia?
Let me try to recreate your situation. In a temporary folder I have created files A.jl, B.jl, C.jl, D.jl, and E.jl as follows:
$ find . -type f -print -exec cat {} \;
module A
const TestData = Dict()
function __init__()
println("Running init")
@assert isempty(TestData)
TestData[1] = "1"
if ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) != 1
println("We are actual loading the module for runtime, not caching code to disk. TestData keys: ", keys(TestData))
TestData[2] = "2"
println("Hit the else. TestData keys: ", keys(TestData))
TestData[3] = "3"
module B
using A
module C
using A
module D
using A
module E
using A, B, C, D
In a Julia REPL, I then do the following.
$ julia --project=. --banner=no
julia> readdir()
5-element Vector{String}:
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd())
4-element Vector{String}:
julia> using A
[ Info: Precompiling A [top-level]
Running init
We are actual loading the module for runtime, not caching code to disk. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using B
[ Info: Precompiling B [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using C
[ Info: Precompiling C [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using D
[ Info: Precompiling D [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using E
[ Info: Precompiling E [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
If I then run this again, I do not see the same output. A.__init__
only runs once.
$ julia --project=. --banner=no
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd())
4-element Vector{String}:
julia> using A
Running init
We are actual loading the module for runtime, not caching code to disk. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using B
julia> using C
julia> using D
julia> using E
To recreate the initial situation, I need to remove the A.ji
file in my $JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/compiled/v#.#
, which defaults to ~/.julia/compiled/v1.7
since I am using Julia 1.7.
$ rm ~/.julia/compiled/v1.7/A.ji # modify to v1.8 if you are using v1.8
$ julia --project=. --banner=no
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd())
4-element Vector{String}:
julia> using A
[ Info: Precompiling A [top-level]
Running init
We are actual loading the module for runtime, not caching code to disk. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using B
[ Info: Precompiling B [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using C
[ Info: Precompiling C [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using D
[ Info: Precompiling D [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]
julia> using E
[ Info: Precompiling E [top-level]
Running init
Hit the else. TestData keys: Any[1]