How do you use the "develop" command?

I have project A, that is using package B. Now I want to make changes to B and run project A again.

I can open project A in VSCode, type using Revise; include("src/A.jl) to execute my code and then type ]develop B to make changes to B.

Now the code of B is checked out. But what would be the next step?

I can open the source code of B with VSCode now, but then A is not longer open. But for iterating fast I want to have both A and B open.

What is the best way to achieve that?

Perhaps I have to mention that include("src/A.jl") launches a web server. I guess I still have to restart it to make changes to B come into effect, or not?

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For that I launch two VSC’s and load one package in each.

In Linux, I would open two separate VSCode windows for the two packages with the following commands, which also handles ]develop.

cd ~/MyPackages/PackageA
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(path="../PackageB")'
code . # Launch VSCode window 1
cd ~/MyPackages/PackageB
code . # Launch VSCode window 2
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I think what you want is VS Code’s multi-root workspaces? You can add project A and B to the same workspace, and activate A to work with it while using Revise to update B.

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