For some stateful optimizers, like ADAM, it has an IdDict
field to store momentums
of parameters. When deserializing the optimizer with BSON, the id
info is lost in the newly created IdDict
. This makes it hard to truly recover from some checkpoints.
(I think in TF, each variable has a name so things may be easier?)
This should be fixed in latest BSON release
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Ah, thanks for reminding!
I just find the trick here is to save the model and the optimizer into a single bson file.
Why? Won’t saving them separately work the same?
Yeah, I’m afraid not.
julia> using BSON
julia> a = [1]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> b = IdDict()
IdDict{Any,Any}b with 0 entries
julia> b[a] = 2
julia> b
IdDict{Any,Any} with 1 entry:
[1] => 2
julia> BSON.@save "b.bson" b
julia> BSON.@save "a.bson" a
julia> BSON.@load "a.bson" a
julia> BSON.@load "b.bson" b
julia> a
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> b
IdDict{Any,Any} with 1 entry:
[1] => 2
julia> b[a]
ERROR: KeyError: key [1] not found