Say I have a data structure with a “location” (ComplexF64
) and a value (Float64
) and I want to associate each node of a SimpleGraph
from Graphs.jl to each node to keep track of connections between nodes. How should I go about this to ensure that methods from the library can act on it? That is to say, how do I implement the Graphs.SimpleGraphs.AbstractSimpleGraph
struct Node
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MetaGraphs.jl seems perfect! Thank you so much! I did notice that the last commit on the project was on Nov 3, 2021. Should I be concerned that the project is going to be not maintained in the future and/or will encounter documented bugs that have not been addressed?
Edit: I noticed that MetaGraphsNext.jl is being actively developed. Apologies for the last message. Appreciate the help!
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Note that MetaDataGraphs now has a deprecation notice directing users to MetaGraphsNext.jl
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