How do i show plots in a PDF generated through Weave?

Using this code, I’m able to turn my .jl file into a pdf, including calculations

weave("Soc323.jl", out_path = "C:/Users/brett/OneDrive/Documents", doctype = "md2pdf")

but none of my plots are included, is there a command that I need to include?

Can you provide an MWE of what your document looks like?

using DataFrames
using Plots
using StatsPlots
using Weave

datf = DataFrame(A = 1:4, B = [1, 9, 7, 8])
datt = pvalue(UnequalVarianceTTest(datf.A, datf.B))
weave("Soc323.jl", out_path = "C:/Users/brett/OneDrive/Documents", doctype = "md2pdf")

If you save the file as Soc323.jl, and change the directory, you should be able to open a PDF. You should see the code, the data frame, and the t-test results, but not the boxplot.