If I wanted to construct something like this:
As far as for the code I see he is using multiple “\begin{axis}”, but I don’t know if that is possible in PGFPlotsX. I had a look at the gallery here:
I saw the group plot example, but does not seem exactly be what I want.
Kind regards
EDIT: Renamed post to better reflect what I needed
Nevermind, I got it, it was actually the group plot example, one just has to change seperation variables etc.
Leaving it up here, if someone struggles like I did
Kind regards
1 Like
Thanks, marked yours as solution since it has a link to more documentation!
I really like using it, so far I got this:
Now I am trying to figure out how I put a table / tabular in the upper right corner - will probably open a new question in a while, if I don’t manage to figure it out my self
Kind regards
1 Like
Thanks! My struggle right now is that I managed to add it using the raw option in the package:
But I cannot figure out how to wrap my table in an axis object… Currently I am making this table as:
col sep=&, % specify the column separation character
row sep=\\, % specify the row separation character
columns/E/.style={string type} % specify the type of data in the designated column
A & B & C & D & E \\
1 & 10 & 0.1 & 1000 & 2011-01-01 \\
2 & 20 & 0.2 & 2000 & 2012-02-02 \\
3 & 30 & 0.3 & 3000 & 2013-03-03 \\
4 & 40 & 0.4 & 4000 & 2014-04-04 \\
5 & 50 & 0.5 & 5000 & 2015-05-05 \\
Will keep digging
Kind regards
A good way of debugging is to look at the latex that is generated and compare it to the one you want.
1 Like
Thanks for the tip! I got it up and running inside TexStudio, will try to se if I can manage to position my table inside the axis element. Currently the generated LaTeX code and result is:
If I remove the table:
So I think I am on the right track, just have a hard time finding out how to position it correctly
Kind regards
Here is my LaTex code for a MWE:
% Default preamble
% Custom preamble from global variable:
\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size={2 by 2}}, height={4cm}, width={4cm}]
coordinates {
col sep=&, % specify the column separation character
row sep=\\, % specify the row separation character
columns/E/.style={string type} % specify the type of data in the designated column
A & B & C & D & E \\
1 & 10 & 0.1 & 1000 & 2011-01-01 \\
2 & 20 & 0.2 & 2000 & 2012-02-02 \\
3 & 30 & 0.3 & 3000 & 2013-03-03 \\
4 & 40 & 0.4 & 4000 & 2014-04-04 \\
5 & 50 & 0.5 & 5000 & 2015-05-05 \\
coordinates {
coordinates {
This produces:
If I out-comment the table generation lines:
Basically I want my table to take the place of the empty axis, “2”.
So I am still stuck - if anyone could get it to work from LaTeX I would be happy to hear how. I have tried the commands / googling what I know, but have not been able to do it. The MWE is a slightly modified version of:
Kind regards
3-4 hours later I got it to work
The trick is to add an empty invisble plot at the location you want your table and then by using:
tp = @pgf TikzPicture()
Where p is your GroupPlot and q is the code you are using (based on PGFPlotsTables in my case) in a raw string format