How do I convert a binary string to a floating point number?

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On converting a Float64 or Float32 into and backfrom a bitstring:
The first thing to note is that unlike Int64s and Int32s, floats have an exponent field and a significand field (and a sign bit). Ints are a signbit and all the rest of the bits behave more akin a significand than an exponent. So I’d suggest not using the exponent bits for genetic string elements – certainly not before having become comfortable with using the other float bits.

function float_from_bitstring(::Type{T}, str::String) where {T<:Base.IEEEFloat}
    unsignedbits = Meta.parse(string("0b", str))
    thefloat  = reinterpret(T, unsignedbits)
    return thefloat

julia> ϕ = (sqrt(5) + 1) / 2

julia> str = bitstring(ϕ)

julia> float_from_bitstring(Float64, str)