I want to create a new column in my dataframe. If another column equals zero, I want this column to equal zero. If it doesnβt, I would like this column to equal another column divided by a third column. I tried using the @rtransform dataframes meta macro but keep getting various errors. Is there a generally accepted way to do this?
@rtransform df :z = :y == 0 ? 0 : :z
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Itβs true that it might be nice for a more convenient @replace
command because there is no way to do this without repeating the variable name more frequently than is ideal.
Base Julia:
julia> df = DataFrame(a = Int.(rand(Bool, 10)), b = 1:10, c = 10:-1:1)
julia> df.d = @. ifelse(df.a == 0, 0.0, df.b / df.c); df
10Γ4 DataFrame
Row β a b c d
β Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64
1 β 0 1 10 0.0
2 β 0 2 9 0.0
3 β 1 3 8 0.375
4 β 0 4 7 0.0
5 β 0 5 6 0.0
6 β 0 6 5 0.0
7 β 1 7 4 1.75
8 β 1 8 3 2.66667
9 β 1 9 2 4.5
10 β 1 10 1 10.0
You could calculate/construct the new column, by putting into formula the conditions you have illustrated
@. df.d=(df.b/df.c)*(df.a!=0)
This worked perfectly. Thank you @pdeffebach !