How did we get here? (Why is Julia such a messy language?)

That’s the tricky part of open source software development as a trade-off from closed.
If you want some features and can’t do it yourself, and others aren’t interested,
you’re probably not going to get those features unless you pay someone to do it.

In general I feel like you do share many Julia developers’ spirit of dreaming big,
me included. So I like the direction you’re pointing at with things like this. E.g. I remember you posting in my game idea which hasn’t gotten much discussion for a similar reason you aren’t getting much help with ECS. It’s too large and/or too irrelevant a scope for many people. (Not that I have any problem with that, personally I got a lot of satisfaction out of just venting my itches in that post.)

On the specific topic of ECS and gaming, maybe @Kyjor who is also pushing game dev? I’m not too familiar with this space.

I’m sorry this thread got timed to close, and it feels like that’s due to the lack of actionable issues you’ve brought up, combined with the feeling that your post is more of a vent than an actionable issue (and I am a fan of venting). That said, it is nice to open up dialogue on issues like these. I don’t think anyone disagrees with your issues, it’s just not something we can do anything about without incredibly massive effort. Plus, as others have said, many of your issues are prevalent in large-scale projects. I’d reckon that cleaning up the mess of the Julia language would be on the core developers’ to-do list, it’s just an incredibly low priority for now.

Another alternative that’s silly for me to mention is for you to start writing your own programming language, which is easier than ever these days. And you can prioritise the “lack of mess” you’re deeply desiring. And if it performs in ways that you like and that attracts others, then they’ll jump on board and help you with it. Maybe you can design it in a way that interoperates with Julia amazingly.

In the meantime, I think the best unpaid alternative until some people dive in with you is to post questions in discourse/slack/wherever with specific, easily reproducible issues to help us help you.

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