How can I skip missing values of a DF without deleating them?

Hi, I have a DataFrame with NaN and missing values. And I´m trying to use the function groupby and combine, with a function I define as:

flujos(x)=mean(filter(!isnan,skipmissing(x - lag(x)))) 

And then I use gpb and combine as:

df = DataFrame(A = [1:2;4;4;4], B = [5, 1, 2, NaN,8], C=[5:8;3], D=[9:12;7], E=[13:16;6]);
combine(gdf, :C =>flujos)

But I have a TypeError that says " reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" wich I asume is because my function deletes rows from that column and obviously a DataFrame can´t work with it, but I don´t know how to skip the missing values and do operations over it. Thank u.

I get a different error than you

julia> using ShiftedArrays, Statistics, DataFrames;

julia> flujos(x)=mean(filter(!isnan,skipmissing(x - lag(x))))
flujos (generic function with 1 method)

julia> df = DataFrame(A = [1:2;4;4;4], B = [5, 1, 2, NaN,8], C=[5:8;3], D=[9:12;7], E=[13:16;6]);

julia> gdf=groupby(df,:A)
GroupedDataFrame with 3 groups based on key: A
First Group (1 row): A = 1
 Row │ A      B        C      D      E     
     │ Int64  Float64  Int64  Int64  Int64 
   1 │     1      5.0      5      9     13
Last Group (3 rows): A = 4
 Row │ A      B        C      D      E     
     │ Int64  Float64  Int64  Int64  Int64 
   1 │     4      2.0      7     11     15
   2 │     4    NaN        8     12     16
   3 │     4      8.0      3      7      6

julia> combine(gdf, :C =>flujos)
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed

Oh yes that´s my error y copied the wrong error. (ups)

The error should be self explanatory. The first group has one observation, so x - lag(x) is just missing, so the mean of skipmissing(x - lag(x)) undefined because skipmissing(x - lag(x)) is empty.

You should handle this case explicitely in your flujos function.

Ok, but I was looking for a function that skips missing values without deleating them, if there´s so. If not I guess I ´ll have to handle it in my flujos function.
Thank u.