This might be useful (returns a string, from your local copy of the registry), if you don’t mind depending on internals that may change:
function registereduuid(name)
initial = SubString(name, 1:1)
for d in Pkg.Types.registries()
r = joinpath(d, initial, name, "Package.toml")
if isfile(r)
p = Pkg.TOML.parsefile(r)
return get(p, "uuid", nothing)
Check the UUID in ~/.julia/environments/1.0/Manifest.toml, any package or dependency you added should show up here.
Hmm, well I could add this feature to my pull request for the Pkg search, which can already find lots of info about packages. It already does the opposite, such as telling you the name of a package given a UUID.
That would be great. Manifest.toml doesn’t contain packages that aren’t on your system, so isn’t the complete solution - especially because Requires specifies which packages you don’t need in your system!