Im just spooling up with Julia, and Im having difficulty getting useful diff-msgs on some of the tests I am writing, when using ExtendedTestSet. The problem seems to be related to the type of vectors/tuples i am comparing. Sometimes I can get a diff, othertimes I get nothing!
I think the problem is that there is not a diff function defined for the types I am trying to compare, but I am unsure how to define one.
How can I make my own diff methods, and structure my own output for them?
Here is a simple example:
using Test
using TestSetExtensions
@testset ExtendedTestSet "unit test for inside_ranges" begin
# not useful diff msg
@test (2,3) == (3,4)
# sort of useful diff msg
@test [2,3] == [3,4]
unit test for inside_ranges: **Test Failed**
Expression: (2, 3) == (3, 4)
unit test for inside_ranges: **Test Failed**
Expression: [2, 3] == [3, 4]
[2, 3, 4]
Probably you can, you should check how to do that in the documentation of TestSetExtensions. What you certainly can is define your own function to compare tuples, like, for instance:
julia> function diff_tuple(x,y)
diff = Tuple[]
for i in eachindex(x)
if x[i] != y[i]
if length(diff) == 0
return true
return diff
diff_tuple (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @test diff_tuple((2,3),(2,3))
Test Passed
julia> @test diff_tuple((2,3),(3,4))
Error During Test at REPL[65]:1
Expression evaluated to non-Boolean
Expression: diff_tuple((2, 3), (3, 4))
Value: Tuple[(1, 2 => 3), (2, 3 => 4)]
The error message here indicates which elements changed, at which position, and from what to what.
Edit: It didn’t seem to me that the package was written to be really extendable. An inner change was needed. I have added a pull request here in which the tuples are expanded into vectors and the error message is printed as such:
Not very elegant, but better than printing nothing.