While using Julia’s multiple dispatch feature I built quite a few methods of the same function.
For example:
function foo(df::DataFrame)
function foo(x::Float64)
function foo(d::Dict(Symbol,Vector{Float64}))
Now I suspect that some of these methods may be obsolete, in the sense that they are no longer called by the main program or any other functions therein.
So I would like to remove the obsolete functions. Suppose, for example, that the first of the three functions above is not called anywhere in my code. How could I find out if that is the case?
On thing I could do would be to search for “foo(” and look at every call to a method of foo and check visually if that is the method I am looking for.
This would be quite time consuming.
I could also refine the search using regular expressions, but that would help only for those function calls that specified the argument types.
Another thing I could do would be to comment the method out and try to run the programs I wrote and see where they crash.
There are several problems with this method.
First, I would have to run several programs, and some of them might take a
long time running before they crash.
Second, the function calls might be scattered through several files and there might be several calls in each file. A crash would only let me identify one function call.
So is there a way to locate all function calls to a specific method of a function throughout my code?
You can try @warn("foo(df::DataFrame) is used here") inside foo(df::DataFrame). It outputs a warning to the REPL, including line number, without stopping the code. Not sure how deep it reports line numbers but it could be worth a try.
Depending on how you want to do it these macros could be helpful. @__LINE__ @__FILE__
If you code spams the REPL with too much too see the warnings you can also try appending x = @__FILE__ to a file.
Edit: Changed @__line__ to @__LINE__ and @__file__ to @__FILE__ in case somebody doesn’t read the following posts.
Not quite the use case I had in mind when building it, but maybe you find the @trace macro from TraceFuns.jl helpful:
julia> function foo(x::Float64)
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> using TraceFuns
julia> @trace foo(1.0) foo
0: foo(1.0) -- Method foo(x::Float64) in Main at REPL[6]:1
0: foo(1.0) -> Float
In any case, it appears the macros mentioned by @Daneel are called @__LINE__ and @__FILE__.