How can I feed sequences of different lengths though a RNN and still have it be differentiable in Flux? (Minimal example included)

I have several matrices of several different lengths. I want to feed these matrices though a RNN using Flux, however, I haven’t been able to do so. Everything I’ve tried either uses a lot of memory during the backward pass, or gives an error when during the backward pass. The example below works for this small example, but my 16 gigs of ram fills up fast in my real use case, which has a 100 length input vector and a 30 length output vector.

Am I doing this right?

using Flux
using Zygote

function embed(encodings::Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector{Vector{Float32}}}}, embedder)
    embeddings = Zygote.Buffer(encodings, Tuple{Int,Vector{Float32}})
    for encoding_length in 1:maximum(e -> length(e[2]), encodings)
        of_length = filter(e -> length(e[2]) == encoding_length, encodings)
        if isempty(of_length); continue end
        local embedded
        for i in 1:encoding_length
            embedded = embedder(reduce(hcat, map(e -> e[2][i], of_length)))
            Zygote.@ignore @assert size(embedded, 2) == length(of_length)
        for (i_embedded, i0) in enumerate(map(e -> e[1], of_length))
            embeddings[i0] = (i0, embedded[:,i_embedded])
    embeddings_vector = copy(embeddings)
    Zygote.@ignore @assert embeddings_vector == sort(embeddings_vector)

function embed_basic(encodings::Vector{Tuple{Int,Vector{Vector{Float32}}}}, embedder)
    embeddings = Zygote.Buffer(encodings, Tuple{Int,Vector{Float32}})
    for (i, e) in encodings
        embeddings[i] = (i, embedder.(e)[end])
    embeddings_vector = copy(embeddings)
    Zygote.@ignore @assert embeddings_vector == sort(embeddings_vector)

function demo()
    nn = LSTM(2, 3)
    encodings = [
        (1, [[1f0, 2], [3f0, 4], [5f0, 6]]),
        (2, [[1f0, 2], [3f0, 4], [5f0, 6]]),
        (3, [[1f0, 2], [3f0, 4]]),
        (4, [[1f0, 2], [3f0, 4]]),
        (5, [[1f0, 2], [3f0, 4]])]
    @show embed_basic(encodings, nn)
    g = gradient(params(nn)) do
        e1 = embed_basic(encodings, nn)
        e2 = reduce(hcat, map(x -> x[2], e1))
        @show e2


Note embed_basic works, but uses too much ram. embed gives an error during the backward pass, but is faster during the forward pass. The error it gives is: ERROR: LoadError: DimensionMismatch("cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions")

(Also, I may not understand what “embed” means. I think it’s like an encoding, but created automatically by a neural network. They’re just variable names, of course. If they’re named poorly, the compiler don’t care.)