How can I add to a plot without mutating it in Plots.jl?

I would like to add to an existing plot p0 without mutating it.
Currently I have to repeat code

using Plots;
xg = 0.01:0.01:10.0;

p0 = plot(xg, sin, legend=:topleft)
p0 = plot!(p0, xg, cos)
p1 = plot!(p0, xg, log)

p0 = plot(xg, sin, legend=:topleft)
p0 = plot!(p0, xg, cos)
p2 = plot!(p0, xg, sqrt)

I want:

using Plots;
xg = 0.01:0.01:10.0;

p0 = plot(xg, sin, legend=:topleft)
plot!(p0, xg, cos)

p1 = plot(p0, xg, log)
p2 = plot(p0, xg, sqrt)

Just add more plot commands

       using Plots;
       xg = 0.01:0.01:10.0;
       p0 = plot(xg, sin, legend=:topleft)
       plot!(p0, xg, cos)
       p1 = plot(p0, plot(xg, log))
       p2 = plot(p0, plot(xg, sqrt))
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@pdeffebach that creates a subplot.
I want to add a curve to p0 without mutating it.

Oh sorry, I see.

Only thing I could think of was deepcopy. Maybe that’s wrong in some way, though.

julia> begin 
       using Plots;
       xg = 0.01:0.01:10.0;
       p0 = plot(xg, sin, legend=:topleft)
       plot!(p0, xg, cos)
       p1 = plot!(deepcopy(p0), xg, log)

Issue solved by PR:


Can I ask why it is nice to do it this way compared with just mutating it?

Out of curiosity.

Kind regards

The one use case immediately came to my mind is creating a bunch of plots with the same “background”. (As in the OP) One could wrap the background plot generation into a function but recalculation might be more expensive than just copying the plot and using it later.

Edit: typo