I would like to use the routines reflector!
and reflectorApply!
of LinearAlgebra (julia/generic.jl at master · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub) to efficiently apply an Householder reflection to a vector a.
The setup is the following:
Step 1: Given a vector b, compute the associated Householder vector v, such that Hb = (I-2 vv^\top)b = -sign(b[1]) ||b||_2 \boldsymbol{e}_1. This can be done using the routine reflector!
. The code is based on http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn72.pdf
Step 2: Apply the Householder reflection to a vector a, i.e. compute (I - 2 v v^\top)a. This can be done using the routine reflectorApply!
In LinearAlgebra, reflectorApply!(x::AbstractArray{T,1} where T, tau::Number, A::StridedArray{T, 2} where T)
is only defined for a StridedArray{T,2}
, what is the best way to apply this reflector when A
is an AbstractVector
? I am using repeat(a,1,1)
to create an Array{Float64,2}
from a
. Can we avoid this conversion?
using LinearAlgebra
b = randn(5)
@show norm(b)
v = deepcopy(b)
bcopy = deepcopy(b)
a = randn(5)
tau = deepcopy(LinearAlgebra.reflector!(v))
Hb = LinearAlgebra.reflectorApply!(v, tau, repeat(b, 1, 1))
@show Hb
@show norm(bcopy)
@show -norm(bcopy)*sign(bcopy[1])
# What is the best way to apply the reflection to a vector a?
@show Ha = LinearAlgebra.reflectorApply!(v, tau, repeat(a,1,1))
norm(b) = 1.9799448125238643
Hb = [-1.9799448125238646; -5.551115123125783e-17; 2.220446049250313e-16; 2.220446049250313e-16; -2.220446049250313e-16]
norm(bcopy) = 1.9799448125238643
-(norm(bcopy)) * sign(bcopy[1]) = -1.9799448125238643
Ha = LinearAlgebra.reflectorApply!(v, tau, repeat(a, 1, 1)) = [-0.5062333940143671; -1.1850776857048684; -1.295711281614973; -0.16447887645751813; 1.065353231871041]