Hi, everybody!
I’m currently working on the Julia backend for Plotly Dash and I’m faced with the following task. In Python and R, Dash has the following feature: if the server is running in debug mode, changes to the app’s source code will restart the server. This way, you don’t need to press ctrl-C in the terminal after each change and restart the application.
I’m trying to implement this for Julia and the first my experiments gave this draft solution (spied on Python’s flask):
function test_hot_restart(main_loop::Function)
if haskey(ENV, "SUBPROCESS")
app_path = abspath(Base.PROGRAM_FILE)
files = FileStat[]
parse_includes(app_path, files) #parse files recursively with Base.parse_input_line to find include Exprs
@async main_loop()
poll_until_changed(files) #Waiting for changes in any of the found files
julia_str = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.julia_exename())
new_env = deepcopy(ENV)
new_env["SUBPROCESS"] = "1"
cmd = Cmd(`$(julia_str) $(app_path)`, env = new_env, ignorestatus = true)
while true
p = run(cmd)
p.exitcode != 3 && break
This solution seems to work, but perhaps someone can offer a more robust one?
For a better understanding of the problem, the source file that I need to track for changes looks in the simplest case something like this:
using Dash, DashHtmlComponents
app = dash()
app.layout = html_div("test")
run_server(app; debug = true)
the main loop is started inside run_server (by HTTP.serve
call). So I don’t see a way to use Revise.jl
here. In addition, there is a requirement that the hot restart mode is enabled in runtime by the debug
argument, and not by a macro or imported an extra package in user side.