Hi, thanks for that.
I went through it and through the NoiseProcess documentation too.
Two considerations. Heston process can be simulated using the transition distribution directly. I created a sampler and a NoiseProcess taking the existing GeometricBrownianMotionProcess as a blueprint.
It looks like this:
# the first component of W is the log of price in heston, the second its vol
function HestonNoise2D(μ, κ, θ, σ, ρ, t0, W0, Z0 = nothing; kwargs...)
@inline function Heston_dist(DW, W, dt, u, p, t, rng)
S, V = exp(W[end][1]), W[end][2]
heston_dist_at_t = HestonDistribution2D(S, V, κ, θ, σ, ρ, μ, t + dt)
return @fastmath rand(rng, heston_dist_at_t; kwargs...) # Calls exact Heston sampler
return NoiseProcess{false}(t0, W0, Z0, Heston_dist, nothing)
The one that is on DiffEqFinancial works only with EM or similar discretization methods, not distributionally exact, if I understand correctly.
Also, that one has the issue that variance can become negative for some sets of parameters, making the sqrt() fail. I solved it like this, maybe there’s a better way using built-in functions?
function HestonProblem(μ, κ, Θ, σ, ρ, u0, tspan; seed = UInt64(0), kwargs...)
f = function (u, p, t)
adj_var = max(u[2], 0)
return @. [μ * u[1], κ * (Θ - adj_var)]
g = function (u, p, t)
adj_var = sqrt(max(u[2], 0))
return @. [adj_var * u[1], σ * adj_var]
Γ = [1 ρ; ρ 1]
noise = CorrelatedWienerProcess(Γ, tspan[1], zeros(2))
sde_f = SDEFunction(f, g)
return SDEProblem(sde_f, u0, (tspan[1], tspan[2]), noise=noise, seed=seed, kwargs...)
Here I just “absorbed” vol using 0 if it becomes negative. I did not actually set it to zero. There are multiple strategies to handle this. Would one have to create a different SDEProblem for each strategy (Abs, Max, etc)?
My curiosity was also about the following: what if I have an exact sampler for one component of my 2D process and I want to discretize the other component?