Hi everyone,
I’m running into an issue with an optimization problem utilizing gradient-based updates using Zygote where an in-place mutation appears to be causing problems. Specifically, when I update my parameter vector x
and assign it to x_new
, Zygote complains that mutation isn’t supported.
Below is a simplified version of my code:
using Convex
using Random
using Zygote
using JuMP
using MathOptInterface
using Clarabel
optimizer = Convex.MOI.OptimizerWithAttributes(Clarabel.Optimizer, "verbose" => 0)
function f(x)
return x[1]*x[1]
function g_u(x, t, j)
return x[1] * t[j] + 3.0
function barrier(x, t)
constraint_values = [-g_u(x, t, j) for j in 1:length(t)]
return f(x) - sum(log.(constraint_values))
function inner_min(u)
lr_x = 1e-10
x = rand(1)
grad_x = Zygote.gradient(x -> barrier(x, u), x)[1]
x_new = x .- lr_x .* grad_x
return f(x_new)
u = rand(1)
lr_u = 1e-1
grad_u = Zygote.gradient(u -> inner_min(u), u)[1]
u .= u .+ lr_u .* grad_u
The error points to the mutation on x_new
(via x .- ...
). I suspect that this is because Zygote doesn’t support in-place mutations on arrays during gradient computation.
Has anyone encountered this issue or found a workaround? Is there an alternative AD approach or package that supports such operations? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!