Hi - yet another help request in regards to macros. I’ve been trying multiple approaches to no avail.
Let’s say I have a code like this:
module Z
export z
function z(m = @__MODULE__, a='a'; c...)
"$m :: $a & $(c...)"
module A
using ..Z
z(@__MODULE__, 'b', x='x')
resulting in "Main.A :: b & :x => 'x'"
I don’t like how I have to pass @__MODULE__
when invoking z
and I would like to write a macro Z.@z
which uses its __module__
argument and automatically invokes z
passing in all the other arguments. So it will be invoked as @z('b', x='x')
and will return the same "Main.A :: b & :x => 'x'"
I tried many approaches, but nothing worked (got an error that macros don’t take keyword arguments, I tried sending an expression and manipulating its args, etc). I find it quite tricky.
Thank you
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No feedback… Wondering if it’s because it’s too simple and I’m missing something… Or too complicated. Curious at least about the best approach, if anybody tried to achieve something similar.
I think this is more or less what you want:
module Z
export @z
function _z(m = @__MODULE__, a='a'; c...)
"$m :: $a & $(c...)"
macro z(arglist)
args = []
for arg in arglist.args
if isa(arg, Expr)
argexpr = :($(esc(arg.args[1])) = $(esc(arg.args[2])))
argexpr.head = :kw
push!(args, argexpr)
push!(args, :($(esc(arg))))
:(_z($__module__, $(args...)))
module A
using ..Z
y = 'x'
w = 'b'
println(@z (w, x=y))
Does it work for you?
@mateuszbaran Thank you, it does!
The problem though is that the syntax is very “unjulian” - one has to pass an invalid tuple as an expression - which is very error-prone. The regular ways of invoking macros, which would be either @z('b', x='x')
or @z 'b', x='x'
, both error out. This can be very confusing for a regular user of the API which doesn’t expect that this is, in fact, a special case of an invocation.
I’ve been struggling with this a lot - I’m starting to think that maybe it can’t be done given how the language works.
Do you want something like this?
You can also make @z
accept variable numer of arguments, and @z('b', x='x')
will work. With some effort, most user errors can be checked for in the macro itself.
Thanks for the tip - can’t tell, at first sight, I need to try it out. But it might work, I didn’t realise one can have @macro(ex, args...)
- I tried with both @macro(ex)
and @macro(args...)
but ultimately failed. This might do the trick.
Yes, I think it’s what @pfitzseb pointed to, right? Is that what you have in mind? Thanks
Yes, something like that