Help with nested optimization

After a few weeks of thinking about this on and off with a lot of help from the good folks in Slack’s #math-optimization channel I’ve decided I don’t trust myself to come up with an optimal (no pun intended) solution to this, and given that this problem is pretty key to a library I’m writing which I’m hoping will beat out some decent R and Stata libraries, so I’m posting about it here.

I’m trying to construct a Synthetic Control estimator following the method laid out in Abadie (2021). The most time consuming part is a nested optimization problem as follows:

Find a set of weights V^* given by

V^* = \arg\min_{V} | Y_1 - Y_0W(V)| \\ s.t. \sum_{i} v_h = 1 \\ 0 <= v_h <= 1 \ \forall \ h

where Y_1 is a T \times 1 vector, Y_0 is a T \times J matrix and W(V) is a J \times 1 vector. W(V) for a given V is determined by an inner optimization problem as follows:

W^*(V) = \arg\min_{W} (X_1 - X_0W)'V(X_1 - X_0W) \\ s.t. \sum_{i} w_i = 1 \\ 0 <= w_i <= 1 \ \forall \ i

Here X_1 is a k \times 1 vector, X_0 is a k \times J matrix, and V is a k \times 1 vector.

The simplest Optim based implementation I could think of is this:

# inner
get_W(v, x₁, x₀) = optimize(w -> (x₁ .- x₀*w)'*Diagonal(v)*(x₁ .- x₀*w), wₗ, wᵤ, w₀).minimizer

get_V(y₁, y₀) = optimize(v -> sum((y₁ .- y₀*get_W(v, x₁, x₀)).^2), wₗ, wᵤ, v₀)

Which is great for teaching purposes but… never actually returns; even on a small problem it will run for hours and then fail with som Hager-Zhang linesearch error.

With the help of the Slack community I cobbled together the following JuMP/Optim hybrid solution (I’ll put a bit of setup code below the fold to make this an MWE):

m = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer); set_silent(m)
@variable(m, 0 <= w[1:J] <= 1)
@constraint(m, sum(w[i] for i ∈ 1:J) == 1)
@objective(m, Min, (x₁ .- x₀*w)'*Diagonal(v)*(x₁ .- x₀*w))

# Function to update v vector and re-solve model
function get_w_given_v(v_new; m = m)
      @objective(m, Min, (x₁ .- x₀*w)'*Diagonal(v_new)*(x₁ .- x₀*w))
      return value.(w)

# Outer optimization with Optim
function outer_opt(v; m = m, y₁ = y₁, y₀ = y₀)
      w_star = get_w_given_v(v, m = m)
      return sum((y₁ .- y₀*w_star).^2) + 10e6*((sum(v) - 1.0)^2 + sum(max.(v .- 1, [0]).^2) + sum(max.(-v,[0]).^2))

Which seems to work but

  • seems slower than competitor packages in R/Stata (although they end up using some C++ routine of course and it’s a bit hard to say whether I’m comparing apples to apples); and
  • is also sensitive to the choice of the scaling parameter for the penalty function that restricts the elements of V to lie between 0 and 1 and sum to 1.

So I’m interested in peoples thoughts on:

  • General approach to solving this problem - is there a better way (people on Slack recommended fancy things like Symbolics, Complementarity.jl or ImplicitDifferentiation which are above my pay grade)
  • Is there a way to nest JuMP problems, i.e. have the outer problem in JuMP as well to directly specify the constraints?
  • What’s the simplest “close to the math” way of solving this, close to my initial two one liners above, which runs in reasonable time (I’m trying to write some Pluto docs for the package in which a simple one-liner solution would come in handy)

Thanks for any pointers!

Additional code for MWE:

This should make the JuMP/Optim code above executable as an MWE which takes about 8 seconds to return the optimal $V$ on my machine:
import Pkg; Pkg.activate(@__DIR__)
using JuMP, Optim, HiGHS, LinearAlgebra

## Setup code
x₁ = [7351.0, 46.0, 5.0, 44.0, 50.0]
x₀ = [7026.0 6747.0 6685.0 7231.0 6625.0 4936.0 6226.0 5829.0 7197.0 6446.0 5984.0 3475.0 4792.0 9673.0 5930.0 8330.0; 
      31.0 64.0 109.0 62.0 38.0 33.0 42.0 24.0 93.0 55.0 77.0 53.0 31.0 63.0 53.0 16.0; 
      10.0 6.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 14.0 9.0 7.0 13.0 8.0 18.0 15.0 5.0 14.0 8.0; 
      36.0 40.0 40.0 29.0 37.0 34.0 41.0 42.0 36.0 33.0 35.0 35.0 41.0 35.0 42.0 34.0; 
      47.0 54.0 31.0 44.0 31.0 16.0 24.0 39.0 44.0 52.0 37.0 10.0 11.0 45.0 32.0 53.0]

# Data for outer problem
y₁ = [12115.0, 12761.0, 13519.0, 14481.0, 15291.0, 15998.0, 16679.0, 17786.0, 18994.0, 20465.0]
y₀ = [11513.0 11242.0 11079.0 11106.0 10929.0 7870.0 10593.0 9986.0 11304.0 9736.0 10548.0 5812.0 7447.0 15338.0 9161.0 13533.0; 
      11537.0 12148.0 11827.0 12115.0 11869.0 8204.0 11275.0 10813.0 11784.0 10687.0 11205.0 6263.0 7957.0 15963.0 9917.0 13940.0; 
      12300.0 13048.0 12334.0 12822.0 12518.0 8388.0 11812.0 11346.0 12419.0 11262.0 12022.0 6479.0 8378.0 16611.0 10669.0 15008.0; 
      13120.0 13533.0 13113.0 13777.0 13145.0 8834.0 12543.0 12064.0 13234.0 12141.0 13220.0 6570.0 8812.0 17710.0 11336.0 16549.0; 
      14019.0 14296.0 13735.0 14698.0 13746.0 9297.0 13285.0 12978.0 13938.0 12556.0 14354.0 6959.0 9259.0 18812.0 12068.0 17600.0; 
      14537.0 14921.0 14292.0 15608.0 14308.0 9525.0 13896.0 13590.0 14613.0 13085.0 15184.0 7414.0 9744.0 19458.0 12795.0 18439.0; 
      15554.0 15549.0 15013.0 16024.0 14940.0 9548.0 14688.0 14425.0 15197.0 13402.0 15823.0 8126.0 10542.0 20120.0 13717.0 19407.0; 
      16524.0 16595.0 16209.0 16766.0 16040.0 10277.0 15784.0 15862.0 16082.0 13569.0 16299.0 9057.0 11434.0 21334.0 14864.0 20711.0; 
      17255.0 17768.0 17345.0 17418.0 17193.0 11036.0 16875.0 17269.0 17387.0 14124.0 17043.0 10042.0 12417.0 22965.0 15716.0 22047.0; 
      17322.0 19070.0 18526.0 18237.0 18244.0 11405.0 17946.0 18815.0 18665.0 14420.0 18004.0 10894.0 13365.0 24518.0 16397.0 23064.0]

k = size(x₀, 1); J = size(x₀, 2)
equal_v = fill(1/k, k); equal_w = fill(1/J, J)
v1s = ones(k); v0s = zeros(k); w1s = ones(J); w0s = zeros(J)
v = equal_v
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Isn’t the inner problem just constrained & weighted least squares? Eg, a regression of X_1 on X_0, observations weighted by v, and where the coefficients (w) have the summation constraint and domain constraint? If so, maybe that helps with solving that one.

Solve both problems simultaneously, they are both minimisations. You can even transform it to unconstrained optimisation because your constraints are simplex constraints. TransformVariables.jl or Bijectors.jl can help you go from an unconstrained vector to one on the simplex. Then it becomes a simple unconstrained optimisation problem.


Or you can roll your own implementation

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That part is wrong. I thought you had min in the inner optimisation not argmin.

Once you transform your lower optimisation problem to an unconstrained one, follow to define W(V) then use it in the upper level problem which should also be transformed to unconstrained. The example in the docs shows how you can define a differentiable function that calls an optimise function.

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This is the sort of non-obvious (to me…) stuff I was looking for, hook it to my veins! Can’t say I immediately understand what to do, but certainly something I’ll investigate tomorrow!

Do you have some reproducible input data?

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The alternative would be to keep the constrained subproblem and use GitHub - jump-dev/DiffOpt.jl: Differentiating convex optimization programs w.r.t. program parameters to get its derivative within the main problem


Sorry - I did promise in the OP to add a preamble to turn it into an MWE and then it seems I forgot… I’ll add it now up top!

Yes an MWE would help as right now you notation is unclear, what are matrices, what are vectors ? It is unclear for Xs and Ys, but I assume here that V and W are vectors.

Your inner problem W*(V) is simply a quadratic problem with a diagonal matrix in the middle, which should be REALLY fast to solve using Convex.jl (it is convex since every entry of V is positive).

Note that having V normalized is not necessary to solve for W. Hence, you might remove the normalization to 1 of V from the constraints of the outer problem, only the fact that entries of V are positive is really needed.

My take would be this one : solve the inner problem with Convex.jl, which is as fast as it gets for a quadratic program with diagonal inner matrix, and the outer one with whatever you want. Tell Convex.jl that the matrix is diagonal by using a sparse matrix to define the loss.

Moreover, this inner quadratic program has really the positivity of W as it’s only problem. If you are lucky the non-positively-constraint optimal IS already positive: you can then use the closed form formula to get it in a few microseconds… Convex.jl solvers for quadratic programs will usually do this lucky-check for you.

Another idea is to use a dummy but differentiable solver for the inner problem, here you might simply implement Djykstra algorithm : use the closed form projection, take the positive part, rince and repeat 10times. This is differentiable, and using this approximation for the inner solver would allow you to get FAST to an approximately correct solution to the Outer problem : you can then use this as a strating point for a more refined a slower solver, what I described before, as a “polish” step


I’ll post a possible solution that I proposed on Slack (although mostly the same people are here too) that solves the optimization problem as a combined inner-outer one, using a sparse equivalent reformulation of the inner problem to embed it into the outer problem. The problem is (mildly) quadratically constrained (you have products between the v and w variables), but linear otherwise. The solver is Ipopt for ease of open access, but the solution has been verified globally optimal with Gurobi.

Setup data
## Setup code
x₁ = [7351.0, 46.0, 5.0, 44.0, 50.0]
x₀ = [7026.0 6747.0 6685.0 7231.0 6625.0 4936.0 6226.0 5829.0 7197.0 6446.0 5984.0 3475.0 4792.0 9673.0 5930.0 8330.0; 
      31.0 64.0 109.0 62.0 38.0 33.0 42.0 24.0 93.0 55.0 77.0 53.0 31.0 63.0 53.0 16.0; 
      10.0 6.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 14.0 9.0 7.0 13.0 8.0 18.0 15.0 5.0 14.0 8.0; 
      36.0 40.0 40.0 29.0 37.0 34.0 41.0 42.0 36.0 33.0 35.0 35.0 41.0 35.0 42.0 34.0; 
      47.0 54.0 31.0 44.0 31.0 16.0 24.0 39.0 44.0 52.0 37.0 10.0 11.0 45.0 32.0 53.0]

# Data for outer problem
y₁ = [12115.0, 12761.0, 13519.0, 14481.0, 15291.0, 15998.0, 16679.0, 17786.0, 18994.0, 20465.0]
y₀ = [11513.0 11242.0 11079.0 11106.0 10929.0 7870.0 10593.0 9986.0 11304.0 9736.0 10548.0 5812.0 7447.0 15338.0 9161.0 13533.0; 
      11537.0 12148.0 11827.0 12115.0 11869.0 8204.0 11275.0 10813.0 11784.0 10687.0 11205.0 6263.0 7957.0 15963.0 9917.0 13940.0; 
      12300.0 13048.0 12334.0 12822.0 12518.0 8388.0 11812.0 11346.0 12419.0 11262.0 12022.0 6479.0 8378.0 16611.0 10669.0 15008.0; 
      13120.0 13533.0 13113.0 13777.0 13145.0 8834.0 12543.0 12064.0 13234.0 12141.0 13220.0 6570.0 8812.0 17710.0 11336.0 16549.0; 
      14019.0 14296.0 13735.0 14698.0 13746.0 9297.0 13285.0 12978.0 13938.0 12556.0 14354.0 6959.0 9259.0 18812.0 12068.0 17600.0; 
      14537.0 14921.0 14292.0 15608.0 14308.0 9525.0 13896.0 13590.0 14613.0 13085.0 15184.0 7414.0 9744.0 19458.0 12795.0 18439.0; 
      15554.0 15549.0 15013.0 16024.0 14940.0 9548.0 14688.0 14425.0 15197.0 13402.0 15823.0 8126.0 10542.0 20120.0 13717.0 19407.0; 
      16524.0 16595.0 16209.0 16766.0 16040.0 10277.0 15784.0 15862.0 16082.0 13569.0 16299.0 9057.0 11434.0 21334.0 14864.0 20711.0; 
      17255.0 17768.0 17345.0 17418.0 17193.0 11036.0 16875.0 17269.0 17387.0 14124.0 17043.0 10042.0 12417.0 22965.0 15716.0 22047.0; 
      17322.0 19070.0 18526.0 18237.0 18244.0 11405.0 17946.0 18815.0 18665.0 14420.0 18004.0 10894.0 13365.0 24518.0 16397.0 23064.0]

k = size(x₀, 1); J = size(x₀, 2)
using JuMP,  Ipopt
m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer); MOI.set(m, MOI.Silent(), false);

# # Inner variables
@variable(m, 0 <= w[1:J] <= 1);
@constraint(m, sum(w[i] for i ∈ 1:J) == 1);

# # Outer variables
@variable(m, 0 <= v[1:k] <= 1);
@constraint(m, sum(v[i] for i ∈ 1:k) == 1);

# # Inner objective:
# solve the KKT conditions of the inner problem in a "closest point" sense;

# These variable are dual variables for the inner problem;
# we want them to be equal when inner problem is optimal:
@variable(m, z[1:J]);

# Modeling  t = max( | z[i] - z[j] |  : i, j in J) 
@variable(m, t);
@constraint(m, [i=1:J, j=1:J; j > i], z[i] - z[j] <=  t );
@constraint(m, [i=1:J, j=1:J; j > i], z[i] - z[j] >= -t );

## Rewriting the inner optimality conditions in matrix form:
# # Note the inner-outer linking variables
@constraint(m, x₀'*Diagonal(v)*x₀*w .+ z .== x₀'*Diagonal(v)*x₁);

## Outer objective: 
@variable(m, r[1:p] >= 0)
@variable(m, s[1:p] >= 0)

# (Note: no dependence on the variables v here:)
@constraint(m, [i=1:p], r[i] - s[i] ==  y₁[i] - (y₀*w)[i])

# Here we minimise the sum of absolute values, not squares
@expression(m, outer_obj, sum(r[i] + s[i] for i in 1:p))

@objective(m, Min, t + outer_obj)


This could possible be structured using functions to add constraints for the inner and outer parts.


Although the rewriting looks nice, it looks to me that is not equivalent to OP’s formulation, especially if the constraint for positivity of W are active at the solution, am I right ?

You’ll have to give me more detail about your thinking.

Are you referring to being strictly positive: w_i > 0?

No, to the case where w_i = 0. I am on my phone I might give you more details later

What I meant by the positivity of the constraint is that the KKT conditions might not hold at the solution : due to the constraints, you might be far from this equality. This distance to perfection is handled by your t parameter if I understood correctly, but minimizing t will not give you the same path as minimizing the original objective, and thus, in case of activity of constraint, your solution will be wrong.

How much wrong it is depends on data.

On reflection, I now see and agree with your point. The complementarity between w \geq 0 and the duals of these constraints is not fully resolved by minimizing the t variable. Either one needs to deal directly with the complementarity or perhaps use DiffOpt.jl.

Thank you for agreeing. I did not know about diffopt, but yes it looks like this is the right solution here. Even if, due to inequality constraints, the inner problem’s solution is probably non differentiable w.r.t. v_i’s… Better use a strong global optimisation scheme for the outer problem.

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Yep. A DiffOpt solution would look like some combination of techniques from both the examples of Auto-tuning Hyperparameters and Sensitivity Analysis of Ridge Regression.

Yes, see Nested optimization problems.