I am trying organize a simple module and submodules to learn Julia.
I made an HR module, with a submodule, Staff. Inside it, will have a age function, that has a Person as argument.
the model in it first worked well with struct in same module, the Person struct.
Now I wanna create a Model module, separated, to share it with others submodules, as necessary.
So, will be something like:
HR → include Model, Staff
HR → Model → struct Person
HR → Staff → function age(p::Person)
but this dont works… age cant see Person correctly…
How can use Person from submodule Model and in any submodule?
Note that excessive use of submodules is sort of an anti-pattern in Julia (modules do not play the same role as they do in Python, for example).
Packages are generally “flat”, meaning having a single module and just “including” pieces of code, once, at the top of the module code. Something like:
module MyPackage
using Stuff
export f, g, h
where f.jl and others are just plain code files (without modules).