Apart from what I am asking below, I would really appreciate if someone could point me to some resource that explains the usage of the macro generated
I want to write a function that will loop through an array and will do something. I try to optimise it, so I looked at the evalpoly function from Base. The code is the following:
function evalpoly(x, p::Tuple)
if @generated
N = length(p.parameters::Core.SimpleVector)
ex = :(p[end])
for i in N-1:-1:1
ex = :(muladd(x, $ex, p[$i]))
_evalpoly(x, p)
I have hard time reading this. First of all I would expect that evalpoly is defined as @generated function
, however the macro @generated
appears in a conditional. What does this mean exactly?
Then it’s the line N = length(p.parameters::Core.SimpleVector)
. I undertstand what it evaluates to, but I don’t understand why. What is p.parameters
Then after that what does the line ex = :(muladd(x, $ex, p[$i]))
use a quote?