help?> type
ERROR: LoadError: Invalid @var syntax incomplete: premature end of input .
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] splitexpr(::Any) at ./docs/bindings.jl:28
[3] bindingexpr(::Any) at ./docs/bindings.jl:17
[4] lookup_doc(::Expr) at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/REPL/src/docview.jl:137
[5] docm(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Any) at ./docs/Docs.jl:501
[6] @doc(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Expr, ::Vararg{Expr,N} where N) at ./boot.jl:451
in expression starting at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/REPL/src/docview.jl:301
that’s because type is a preserved word for defining struct in Julia-v0.6 and before, it was deprecated in Julia-v0.7, so in Julia-v1.0 there is no error:
help?> type
search: Type typeof typemin typemax TypeVar typejoin typeassert TypeError typeintersect oftype eltype valtype keytype subtypes fieldtype
Couldn't find type
Perhaps you meant Type, typeof, eltype, oftype, time, tuple, Pipe, typemax, typemin, keytype, valtype, try, take!, tan, tand, tanh or trues
No documentation found.
Binding type does not exist.
The point was that it produced ERROR: LoadError: Invalid @var syntax incomplete: premature end of input . Stacktrace: and not the message one normally gets. As you say, the same thing is fine in V1.0.0 and v0.6.4.