Help testing Julia tree-sitter mode in Emacs

Anyone working on adding Julia support to combobulate?


This screenshot looks amazing. Is the completion from LSP or from this tree-sitter package?

The completion candidates are likely being powered by eglot, which is the LSP client that is now built into the 29 release of emacs. The pop up ui itself will be either company or corfu.


Got you. Thanks.

Hi @linwaytin !

The popup is company, which receives information from the LSP as @jcmkk3 said. However, I am using lsp-mode instead of eglot. I have never been able to make eglot works with Julia for some strange reason.

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Thank you!

I asked because I remember the LSP server for julia is very slow. I tried it some years ago and the experience is not good. Do you think it’s usable now?

I use eglot + corfu, and find the experience good.

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Yes, the experience was very slow but it got much better now. It is not perfect yet, but I use it daily without problems.


Awesome! It’s the time to try it again.

Hi, I am trying/enjoying the Julia tree-sitter on Emacs. Nice work. However, is there a specific config to get the indentation works properly? Right now, auto-indent works only if I write the begin and end of a block and then go and press enter at the end of the lines inside the block.


I am not sure if this can be “fixed”. The tree sitter grammar does not identify the blocks until you add “begin” (or if, else, while, etc) and end. Hence, emacs does not know that it must apply an indentation to that code. I have no ideia how can we workaround.

I see. Maybe one can use snippets to add the “end” keyword automatically. Then tree-sitter should be able to take care of the indentation inside the block.

Could someone post a workable .emacs? I cannot get going… Thanks!