I wanted to register GitHub - iuliancioarca/GenericInstruments.jl: Bundles similar functionalities of instruments under a single generic object: power supplies, arbitrary waveform generators, etc. and I encountered a few problems:
- My package relies on the unregistered GitHub - BBN-Q/Instruments.jl: Instrument control in Julia. I managed to fix this somehow by explicitly installing it with:
(although I’m sure this is not the way to go since there is no way to enforce version compatibility). - The
package needs NIVISA libraries installed, which, as far as I know, can only be installed via the NI installer. On a local session, the user can, of course, install these libraries before installingInstruments.jl
and everything works fine, but on Travis or Appveyor I cannot do this, so my build fails with the following error:
Error: Error buildingInstruments
ERROR: LoadError: None of the selected providers can install dependency visa.
Use BinDeps.debug(package_name) to see available providers
I could use my own fork of the repo, bypassing the BinDeps altogether and finding a way to expose the path to those those libraries, but it’s a hacky solution and I also don’t think it would be fair for the developers of Instruments.jl
Any suggestion is welcome.