Help on convex quadratic IP with cut generation


I am solving a convex quadratic integer programming problem,

min f( x , y )
s.t. Ax + By <= b
      y being integral vector

where f is a convex quadratic function.

I have a set of valid inequalites for the feasible region (x,y) lives in, and I have defined a valid CutGeneration function for them.

The question is, when I use piecewise linear approximation of f some of my user cuts are used during solving.

m = Model( solver = gurobi() )

@variable x
@variable y , Bin
@variable c

@constraint of  Ax + By <=b
@constraint c >= linear_approximation_f(x,y)

@objective Min c

function CutGeneration
  println("User cut!")
  @usercut(  ax + by <= d )

The output log is like

Cutting planes:
  User: 8
  Gomory: 11
  Cover: 7
  Implied bound: 278
  Clique: 1
  MIR: 85
  Flow cover: 156
  GUB cover: 9

When I move to exactly solve quadratic objective in epigraph form

# everything is the same, except exact form of f is used
m = Model( solver = gurobi() )

@variable x
@variable y , Bin
@variable c

@constraint of  Ax + By <=b
@constraint c >= f(x,y)

@objective Min c

function CutGeneration
  println("User cut!")
  @usercut( ax + by <= d)

During solving process, julia is really printing the sentences user cut! , which means the cut generation function correctly goes to the step of add user cut.

But the output log is like

Cutting planes:
  Gomory: 5
  Cover: 7
  Implied bound: 97
  MIR: 49
  Flow cover: 90
  GUB cover: 6
  Zero half: 3

Can someone help me on what happend ?

I put convex objective into epigraph form because later I have to implement another cutting plane on the epigraph of f in space (x,y,c).

It’s difficult to comment on Gurobi internals, but maybe your user cuts are redundant in the second model, so they are not added to the model?

The feasible region of (x,y) are the same for both models. I am quite sure it is not redundant.

So is it better that I pose this problem to a website that is more related to gurobi ?

So is it better that I pose this problem to a website that is more related to gurobi ?

Maybe, but then be prepared to provide example code in Python or some other supported language.