Help me outperform Matlab in numerical solution of semidiscretized PDE system as much as possible

Thank you for the assistance. I got the MTKized system to work

# build initial conditions
u0 = zeros(N*3 + 1)
u0[indices_Tgas] .= Tin
u0[indices_Tsol] .= 20
u0[indices_mflux] = 0.5
u0[indices_RConcentrationSolid] .= 3000

# build mass matrix
Ii = [indices_Tsol; indices_RConcentrationSolid];
Jj = [indices_Tsol; indices_RConcentrationSolid];
V = ones(length(Ii));
Msparse = sparse(Ii,Jj,V, 3*N+1, 3*N+1)

f_DAE = ODEFunction(DiscretizedSystemMassMatrixForm_noDualcache!, mass_matrix=Msparse)
probDAE = ODEProblem(f_DAE,u0,(0.0,1500),p_noDualCache)
de = modelingtoolkitize(probDAE)

# MTKized system back to numerical problem:
probDAE_MTK1 = ODEProblem(de,[],(0.0,1500),p_noDualCache,jac=true,sparse=true)

# solve the numerical problem - works
sol_MTK1 = solve(probDAE_MTK1,QBDF())

# pretty much as fast as solving non-MTKized system with Jacobian sparsity, as in above posts.
@benchmark solve(probDAE_MTK1,QBDF()) 

To my surpise, the MTKized system does not solve faster than the original system with Jacobian sparsity information, although the MTKized system should use the analytic Jacobian, or am I mistaken?

Anyway. In a next step, I tried to structual_simplify the system and solve it:

# Now try to structural_simplify the system before solving it
de2 = structural_simplify(de)

probDAE_MTK2 = ODEProblem(de2,[],(0.0,1500),p_noDualCache,jac=true,sparse=true)

sol_MTK2 = solve(probDAE_MTK2,QBDF())

Unfortunately, I get an UndefVarError: x201 not defined. Why is that? What can I do to get it to work?

Thank you!