Help: can anyone tell me why julia is not correctly inferring the return type?

Hi guys!

I have this code here:

import Base: getindex

mutable struct A{T<:Real}

function getindex(a::A{T}, ::Colon) where T<:Real

function test(a::A{T1}, w::Vector{T2}) where T1<:Real where T2<:Real
    # Check the dimensions.
    if length(w) != 3

    Ω = Array{T2}([  0   -w[1] -w[2] -w[3] ;
                   +w[1]   0   +w[3] -w[2] ;
                   +w[2] -w[3]   0   +w[1] ;
                   +w[3] +w[2] -w[1]   0   ])

    # Return the time-derivative.

However, I saw that julia cannot determine the correct return type of the function test:

using Base.Tests
@inferred test(A(1.,2.,3.,4.),[0.0;1.0;0.0])
ERROR: return type Array{Float64,1} does not match inferred return type Any
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:21

I know this can significantly decrease the performance of the code. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and if there is something I can do to fix it?

It’s because you’re using the Array{T2} constructor, which is an incomplete type.

julia> Array{Float64}
Array{Float64,N} where N

If you change it to

function test(a::A{T1}, w::Vector{T2}) where T1<:Real where T2<:Real
           # Check the dimensions.
           if length(w) != 3

           Ω = Matrix{T2}([  0   -w[1] -w[2] -w[3] ;
                          +w[1]   0   +w[3] -w[2] ;
                          +w[2] -w[3]   0   +w[1] ;
                          +w[3] +w[2] -w[1]   0   ])

           # Return the time-derivative.

instead, things get correctly inferred.


Or just T2[ .... ; ... ; ...], which I think is the canonical way to construct a Matrix of given type.

Also, shouldn’t you be throwing an ArgumentError("description") instead the type ArgumentError.

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Also, this probably won’t matter for your use case as I imagine the promotions are working fine, but the 0’s inside of Ω should be zero(T2) rather than Int 0s. It’s just a good general practice to have, you can occasionally run in to trouble otherwise.

Excelent! Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, indeed! This is a part of a bigger project that I am doing related to 3D rotations and kinematics for satellite simulations (I will very soon post something here about it). In this code, I am showing a message that the input vector must have 3 components.

And thanks for the info about T2. The code becomes much more cleaner :slight_smile:

Thanks, do you mean something like this:

    Ω = T2[  zero(T2)  -w[1]    -w[2]    -w[3] ;
              +w[1]   zero(T2)  +w[3]    -w[2] ;
              +w[2]    -w[3]   zero(T2)  +w[1] ;
              +w[3]    +w[2]    -w[1]   zero(T2)   ]

P.S.: Sorry for the number of replies. Being used to bugzilla, I did not realize how easy is to reply everyone at once :slight_smile:

Yes, exactly.

No. Using Array{T2} is completely fine. The issue is the literal. If you look at the code_warntype

julia> @code_warntype test(A(1., 2., 3., 4.), [0.0; 1.0; 0.0])

      unless (Base.not_int)(((Base.arraylen)(w::Array{Float64,1})::Int64 === 3)::Bool)::Bool goto 5
      #= line 4 =#
      #= line 7 =#
      $(Expr(:static_parameter, 1))
      SSAValue(0) = (Core.tuple)(0, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 1)::Float64)::Float64, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 2)::Float64)::Float64, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 3)::Float64)::Float64, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 1)::Float64, 0, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 3)::Float64, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 2)::Float64)::Float64, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 2)::Float64, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 3)::Float64)::Float64, 0, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 1)::Float64, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 3)::Float64, (Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 2)::Float64, (Base.neg_float)((Base.arrayref)(true, w::Array{Float64,1}, 1)::Float64)::Float64, 0)::Tuple{Int64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Int64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Int64}
      SSAValue(1) = (Core._apply)(Base.promote_typeof, SSAValue(0))::Any
      Ω::Any = (Array{Float64,N} where N)((Base.typed_hvcat)(SSAValue(1), (4, 4, 4, 4), (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 1)::Int64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 2)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 3)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 4)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 5)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 6)::Int64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 7)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 8)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 9)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 10)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 11)::Int64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 12)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 13)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 14)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 15)::Float64, (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(0), 16)::Int64)::Any)::Any
      #= line 13 =#
      return ((Ω::Any / 2)::Any * $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for vcat(::Float64, ::Float64, ::Float64, ::Vararg{Float64,N} where N), :(Main.vcat), :((Core.getfield)(a, :a)::Float64), :((Core.getfield)(a, :b)::Float64), :((Core.getfield)(a, :c)::Float64), :((Core.getfield)(a, :d)::Float64)))::Array{Float64,1})::Any

You’ll notice that Any appears BEFORE you calling the array constructor. It’s hitting the tuple size limit here when computing the eltype for the literal.


Sorry the ignorance, but if I, for some reason, want to use the Array{T2}, how can I fix this?

As I said, Array{T2} isn’t the issue here. You can simply call it on,

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Or add type assertion on either the argument or the return value.