How do I write data to a compound table in an HDF5 file?
I’ve figured out how to create the table.
src = "/home/user/Desktop/hdf5_test.h5"
h5open(src, "w") do file
cols = ["foo","bar","blah","blahblahblah"]
memtype_id = HDF5.h5t_create(HDF5.H5T_COMPOUND, length(cols)*sizeof(Float64))
for i=1:1:length(cols)
HDF5.h5t_insert(memtype_id,cols[i], (i-1)*sizeof(Float64), HDF5.hdf5_type_id(Float64))
dt = HDF5Datatype(memtype_id)
#ds = dataspace((20,))
ds = dataspace((-1))
d = d_create(file, "CompoundTable", dt, ds)
Going through the source in the HDF5 package and the HDF5 Group documentation has helped me get this far but now I’m stuck.