Hi all, I am having some issues with this:
I have a DataFrame that has a lot of columns that are strings, but I need to convert them to vectors of Ints, ie:
df = DataFrame( Mtx_1 = ("0 0 0 1 1 0"), Mtx_2 = ("0 0 0 0 1 0"))
The problem is that my code works fine when I’m broadcasting it to a single column (using df.Mtx_1
for example), but when I try to do it over all the columns, with a loop, it doesn’t modify the original DataFrame.
This is the code that I am using:
let df1 = copy(df)
for col in eachcol(df1)
col = split.(col ," ")
#col = replace.(col, r"/"=>"0") #this is not necessary
col = [parse.(Float64, x) for x in col]
But here, df1 is not modified, so it returns the same columns where everything, ie, the columns are still Strings, and not Arrays.
I am using a let block only for convenience, so I can try different stuff, and I know that the code works for single columns, so I assume I am messing something in the loop.
Any idea why this happens? Thanks a lot!