Hi. I am trying to model one of the ‘classic’ conic relaxations of the optimal powerflow model (see Branch Flow Model: Relaxations and Convexification—Part I)
The problem I am running into is that depending on the loads / size of the grid solving becomes very unreliable. I am using Gurobi. I will frequently see:
Gurobi Optimizer version 12.0.0 build v12.0.0rc1 (win64 - Windows 11.0 (22631.2))
CPU model: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2]
Thread count: 16 physical cores, 32 logical processors, using up to 32 threads
Optimize a model with 3264 rows, 3456 columns and 8064 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x5ec5409d
Model has 384 quadratic constraints
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e+00, 7e+00]
QMatrix range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Bounds range [8e-01, 1e+00]
RHS range [1e-02, 1e+00]
Presolve removed 1920 rows and 1824 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 1344 rows, 1728 columns, 4224 nonzeros
Presolved model has 384 second-order cone constraints
Ordering time: 0.00s
Barrier statistics:
AA' NZ : 6.528e+03
Factor NZ : 1.008e+04 (roughly 1 MB of memory)
Factor Ops : 9.744e+04 (less than 1 second per iteration)
Threads : 1
Objective Residual
Iter Primal Dual Primal Dual Compl Time
0 1.70141978e+02 -1.24205980e+02 1.70e+00 7.06e-01 4.13e-01 0s
1 1.70141978e+02 -1.24205980e+02 1.70e+00 7.06e-01 4.13e-01 0s
2 2.00214585e+05 -1.83305591e+05 2.09e+03 1.00e+03 6.37e+05 0s
3 2.00214585e+05 -1.83305591e+05 2.09e+03 1.00e+03 6.37e+05 0s
4 2.00214585e+05 -1.83305591e+05 2.09e+03 1.00e+03 6.37e+05 0s
5 2.00214585e+05 -1.83305591e+05 2.09e+03 1.00e+03 6.37e+05 0s
Barrier performed 5 iterations in 0.02 seconds (0.01 work units)
Numerical trouble encountered
Model may be infeasible or unbounded. Consider using the
homogeneous algorithm (through parameter 'BarHomogeneous')
To improven numerical stability I have rescaled everything to p.u. dimensions. But since I am new to this there’s a chance I made a typo/mistake somewhere.
Here is the model code. I set up a small test grid of just 4 buses, 2 identical loads. The real problem has about 100 buses.
test network with 4 buses
0 (slack)
1 (junction)
/ \
2 3 (loads)
using JuMP
using Gurobi
using Clarabel
using Random
# p.u. base values
S_base = 1E5 # [VA]
V_base = 230.0 # [V]
Z_base = V_base^2 / S_base
I_base = S_base / V_base
S_max = 1E6 * 0.23 * 0.16 * 3 / S_base
# voltage constraints V_base ± 10% -> (207V, 253V) at 230V base
V_lb = 0.90 # [pu]
V_ub = 1.10
T = 1:96
function add_grid_model(;
# test network with 4 buses
# 0 (slack)
# |
# 1 (junction)
# / \
# 2 3 (loads)
B = [0, 1, 2, 3]
H = [2, 3]
L = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)]
bus_out = Dict(0 => [1], 1 => [2, 3], 2 => [], 3 => [])
bus_in = Dict(0 => [], 1 => [0], 2 => [1], 3 => [1])
# base loads
# P_base = 1e4 * ones(length(T)) / S_base
# P_base = round.(1e3 .* abs.(randn(length(T))) / S_base .+ 3e4 / S_base, digits=3)
P_base = 1e3 .* abs.(randn(length(T))) / S_base .+ 2e4 / S_base
Q_base = zeros(length(T))
# slack bus ID
SB = 0
# real and reactive line impedances
R = Dict((i, j) => 0.1 / Z_base for (i, j) in L)
X = Dict((i, j) => 0.1 / Z_base for (i, j) in L)
Inom = Dict((i, j) => 1.0 for (i, j) in L)
# variables
@variables(model, begin
# voltage squared eq. (7)
V_lb^2 <= v[B, T] <= V_ub^2
# bus power injections
P[B, T], (base_name = "PBusInjection")
Q[B, T], (base_name = "QBusInjection")
# power flows
P_line[L, T], (base_name = "PLineFlow")
Q_line[L, T], (base_name = "QLineFlow")
# line current
0 <= I_line[L, T], (base_name = "CurrentSquare")
# slack bus constraints
@constraints(model, begin
TrafoLimit[t in T], [S_max, P[SB, t], Q[SB, t]] in SecondOrderCone()
# bus / line constraints
@constraints(model, begin
# real power balance eq. (1)
RealPowerBalance[j in B, t in T],
P[j, t] == sum(P_line[(j, k), t] for k in bus_out[j]) -
sum(P_line[(i, j), t] - R[(i, j)] * I_line[(i, j), t] for i in bus_in[j])
# reactive power balance eq. (2)
ReactivePowerBalance[j in B, t in T],
Q[j, t] == sum(Q_line[(j, k), t] for k in bus_out[j]) -
sum(Q_line[(i, j), t] - X[(i, j)] * I_line[(i, j), t] for i in bus_in[j])
# voltage drop eq. (3)
VoltageDrop[(i, j) in L, t in T],
v[j, t] == v[i, t] - 2 * (P_line[(i, j), t] * R[(i, j)] + Q_line[(i, j), t] * X[(i, j)]) +
(R[(i, j)]^2 + X[(i, j)]^2) * I_line[(i, j), t]
# conic OPF eq. (4)
ConicOPF[(i, j) in L, t in T],
I_line[(i, j), t] + v[i, t],
2 * P_line[(i, j), t],
2 * Q_line[(i, j), t],
I_line[(i, j), t] - v[i, t],
] in SecondOrderCone()
# line current limit eq. (6)
LineCurrentLimit[(i, j) in L, t in T], I_line[(i, j), t] <= Inom[(i, j)]
# load constraints
@constraints(model, begin
Transmission[i in B, t in T; i ∉ H && i ≠ SB], P[i, t] == 0
RealBaseLoad[i in H, t in T], P[i, t] == -P_base[t]
ReactiveBaseLoad[i in H, t in T], Q[i, t] == -Q_base[t]
# create the model
# model = Model(Clarabel.Optimizer)
model = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
set_attribute(model, "BarHomogeneous", 1)
# add grid model
add_grid_model(model=model, T=T)
P = model[:P]
# define objective functions
@expressions(model, begin
J_gen, sum(P[0, T])
@objective(model, Min, J_gen)
# optimize the model and return it
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
And here is some plotting code I used, in case it’s useful.
using CairoMakie
function plot_line_currents(model::Model, lines::Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}=[(34, 0), (2, 74)])
fig = Figure(; size=(1000, 600))
I_line = value.(model[:I_line])
for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(lines)
ax = Axis(fig[idx, 1], xlabel="Time [hours]",
ylabel="Current [A]",
title="($i -> $j)",
xticks=(1:4:97, string.(0:1:24))
scatterlines!(ax, Vector(I_line[(i, j), :]), color=:blue, label="$i->$j", linewidth=2)
function plot_pq(model::Model, bus::Int)
fig = Figure(; size=(1000, 300))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Time [hours]",
ylabel="Power [p.u.]",
title="Power flow",
xticks=(1:4:97, string.(0:1:24))
# index of slack bus (transformer)
# SB = argmin(value.(model[:P]).axes[2])
P_trafo = Matrix(value.(model[:P]))[bus, :]
Q_trafo = Matrix(value.(model[:Q]))[bus, :]
# lines!(ax, sol[:P], color = :blue, label = "Transformer", linestyle = :so
scatterlines!(ax, P_trafo, color=:blue, label="P trafo", linewidth=2)
scatterlines!(ax, Q_trafo, color=:red, label="Q trafo", linewidth=2)
axislegend(ax, position=:lb)
# display
I have read pretty much everything in Guidelines for Numerical Issues - Gurobi Optimizer Reference Manual. Based on the advice there I rescaled everything to p.u. domain and the coefficient ranges are quite decent now, but the problems remain.
Any advice would be welcome. Also, if any PowerModels.jl users / experts are reading this please let me know if you see any mistakes in the formulations.
ps. I know I could use PowerModels.jl instead of doing this myself, but this is a better learning experience.