You can definitely use TableView for this, it just needs a bit of plumbing:
using Blink, TableView
w = Blink.Window();
x = rand(10,10)
function update_cell(arr, msg)
row = msg["row"] + 1 # zero-indexed in JS
col = parse(Int, match(r"Column(\d+)", msg["col"])[1])
arr[row, col] = parse(eltype(arr), msg["new"])
body!(w, TableView.showtable(x, cell_changed = msg -> update_cell(x, msg)))
This will obviously only work for concretely-typed arrays of numbers, but you can of course adjust it to whatever you want.
Feel free open an issue or PR at if you have ideas on how to make the whole experience smoother.
Edit: Fixed the row indexing.