Hallo @sdanisch.
I am new to Julia (and programming) and am playing around with a few packages to gain experience. I want to make a GUI in Gtk.jl and then make it and executable file with PackageCompiler.jl to share with non-programmers.
Lets use a dummy program:
using Gtk
win = GtkWindow("My First Gtk.jl Program", 400, 200)
b = GtkButton("Click Me")
How do I build an executable? I have tried this:
julia> using PackageCompiler
julia> build_executable("Test.jl", "Test")
Julia program file:
C program file:
Build directory:
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Gtk not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Gtk")` to install the Gtk package.
[1] require(::Module, ::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:823
[2] include at .\boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[3] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1044
[4] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:29
[5] include(::String) at .\client.jl:392
[6] top-level scope at none:0
in expression starting at C:\Users\posthumusjj\Desktop\Test\Test.jl:1
ERROR: failed process: Process(`'C:\JuliaPro-\Julia-1.0.2\bin\julia.exe' -Cnative '-JC:\Julia
Pro-\Julia-1.0.2\lib\julia\sys.dll' --compile=yes --depwarn=yes --startup-file=no --compiled-
modules=no --output-o Test.a -e 'Base.__init__(); Sys.__init__() # initialize \`Base\` and \`Sys\` m
pushfirst!(Base.DEPOT_PATH, "cache_ji_v1.0.2") # save precompiled modules locally
include("C:\\\\Users\\\\posthumusjj\\\\Desktop\\\\Test\\\\Test.jl") # include Julia program file
'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
[1] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:705 [inlined]
[2] #run#504(::Bool, ::Function, ::Cmd) at .\process.jl:663
[3] run(::Cmd) at .\process.jl:661
[4] (::getfield(PackageCompiler, Symbol("##4#5")))() at C:\Users\posthumusjj\.juliapro\packages\Pac
[5] cd(::getfield(PackageCompiler, Symbol("##4#5")), ::String) at .\file.jl:85
[6] build_object(::String, ::String, ::String, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing,
::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, :
:Nothing, ::Nothing) at C:\Users\posthumusjj\.juliapro\packages\PackageCompiler\BBtC7\src\static_jul
[7] #static_julia#1(::Nothing, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::String, ::Nothing, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bo
ol, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothi
ng, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothin
g, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, ::typeof(static_julia), ::String) at C:\Us
[8] #static_julia at .\none:0 [inlined]
[9] #build_executable#22 at C:\Users\posthumusjj\.juliapro\packages\PackageCompiler\BBtC7\src\api.j
l:104 [inlined]
[10] build_executable at C:\Users\posthumusjj\.juliapro\packages\PackageCompiler\BBtC7\src\api.jl:1
04 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
[11] top-level scope at none:0
Gtk is installed and works when I run the code, don’t know why there is a LoadError.
I am not sure how to use Base.@ccallable function julia_main(ARGS::Vector{String})::Cint
specified in the README?
Hope you can help?