I need to combine geometries for a shapefile. Initially, there is shapefile_path_cities that will form the layer behind, after theres is shapefile_path_highways:
using GeoDataFrames
using DataFrames
using XLSX
using Plots
using Shapefile
using Random
using Statistics
using Base
###Shapefile municipalities
shapefile_path = "C:\\Users\\daves\\OneDrive\\Pessoal\\Acadêmico\\Mestrado\\Dissertação - Execução\\Análises\\MT_Municipios_2022\\MT_Municipios_2022.shp"
municipalities = Shapefile.Table(shapefile_path) |> DataFrame
# Highway shapefile
shapefile_path_highways = "C:\\Users\\daves\\OneDrive\\Pessoal\\Acadêmico\\Mestrado\\Dissertação - Execução\\Análises\\Rodovias\\SNV_202410A.shp"
highways = Shapefile.Table(shapefile_path_rodovias) |> DataFrame
These data on shapefile_path_highway, which be puted in the dataframe highways will be filtered and grouped:
# Filtering sg_uf equals to MT
filtered_highwayss_MT = filter(row -> row.sg_uf == "MT", rodovias)
# Grouping by vl_br row
grouped_highways = groupby(filtered_highways_MT, :vl_br)
Untill now everthing done succesfully, however the combine function did not work well:
#Combine geometries
function combine_geometries(geometries)
combined_geom = ArchGDAL.readgeometry(geometries[1].geometry)
for geom in geometries[2:end]
combined_geom = ArchGDAL.union!(combined_geom, ArchGDAL.readgeometry(geom.geometry))
return combined_geom
# Applying function
combined_geometries = combine(grouped_rodovias, :geometry => combine_geometries => :geometry)
#Showing results
If you want to take shapefiles the first is in and https://geoftp.ibge.gov.br/organizacao_do_territorio/malhas_territoriais/malhas_municipais/municipio_2022/UFs/MT/MT_Municipios_2022.zip the second is in https://servicos.dnit.gov.br/dnitcloud/index.php/s/oTpPRmYs5AAdiNr/download. The first is provided by IBGE and the second by DNIT, both agencies of Brazilian government.
There is an argument to combine geometries that can function instead of readgeometry and union!?