Gradient of loss function from ODE solution

I am interested in the autodiff feature of Julia. Specifically I have an ODE problem that solves for the motion of solar system planets and I have defined a loss function. I want to calculate the gradient of the loss function wrt the initial conditions of the ODE.
Using ReverseDiff.gradient it gives me a zero vector, which is obviously wrong.
I am new to Julia, and any help is appreciated!

using CSV
using DataFrames
using ModelingToolkit
using Optimization
using OptimizationPolyalgorithms
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
using SciMLSensitivity
using Statistics
using Zygote
using ForwardDiff
using ReverseDiff

#planets = ["Sun", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto"]
AU = 1.496e11;

x=[0 1.563021412664830E+07 -9.030189258080004E+07 -1.018974476358996E+08 -2.443763125844157E+08 -2.35165468275322006E+08 -1.011712827283427E+09 2.934840841770302E+09 4.055112581124043E+09 9.514009594170194E+08 0.5*AU/1e3].*1e3;
y=[0 4.327888220902108E+07 5.802615456116644E+07 1.065689158175689E+08 4.473211564076996E+07 7.421837640432589E+08 -1.077496255617324E+09 6.048399137411513E+08 -1.914578873112663E+09 -4.776029500570151E+09 0].*1e3;
z=[0 2.102123103174893E+06 6.006513603716755E+06 -3.381951053601424E+03 6.935657388967808E+06 2.179850895804323E+06 5.901251900068215E+07 -3.576451387567792E+07 -5.400973716179796E+07 2.358627841705075E+08 0].*1e3;


ux=[0 -5.557001175482630E+01 -1.907374632532257E+01 -2.201749257051057E+01 -3.456935754608896E+00 -1.262559929908801E+01 6.507898648442419E+00 -1.433852081777671E+00 2.275119229131818E+00 5.431808363374300E+00 rand(1)*3].*1e3;
uy=[0 1.840863017229157E+01 -2.963461693326599E+01 -2.071074857788741E+01 -2.176307370133160E+01 -3.332552395475581E+00 -6.640809674126991E+00 6.347897341634990E+00 4.942356914027413E+00 -2.387056445508962E-02 rand(1)*3].*1e3;
uz=[0 6.602621285552567E+00 6.946391255404438E-01 1.575245213712245E-03 -3.711433859326417E-01 2.962741332356101E-01 -1.434198106014633E-01 4.228261484335974E-02 -1.548950389954096E-01 -1.551877289694926E+00 rand(1)*3].*1e3;
tspan = (0.0, 1.0*365.25*24*3600)

m=1.989e30;# the mass of the sun 

Gm=[G.*m./1e9; 22032.09; 324858.63; 398600.440; 
42828.3; 126686511; 37931207.8;
5793966; 6835107; 872.4; G/1e9].*1e9;

function many_body!(du, u, p, t)
    interactions = vec([1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]);

    for i in 1:11
        ind = vec([1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]); # bodies we are considering interactions between
        i2 = findall(ind .== i)  # a body can't interact with itself
        deleteat!(ind, i2)
        # square of distance between this planet and the other objects
        R2 = (u[(i-1)*6+1] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 1]).^2 .+
             (u[(i-1)*6+2] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 2]).^2 .+
             (u[(i-1)*6+3] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 3]).^2
        # rate of change of position, because we are solving a second order ODE
        # - always the same
        du[(i-1)*6+1] = u[(i-1)*6+4] # dx/dt
        du[(i-1)*6+2] = u[(i-1)*6+5] # dy/dt
        du[(i-1)*6+3] = u[(i-1)*6+6] # dz/dt

        # inverse square law between body i and the rest of them
        du[(i-1)*6+4] = - sum(Gm[ind] ./ R2 .* (u[(i-1)*6+1] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 1]) ./ sqrt.(R2))  # dvx/dt
        du[(i-1)*6+5] = - sum(Gm[ind] ./ R2 .* (u[(i-1)*6+2] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 2]) ./ sqrt.(R2))  # dvy/dt
        du[(i-1)*6+6] = - sum(Gm[ind] ./ R2 .* (u[(i-1)*6+3] .- u[(ind .- 1).*6 .+ 3]) ./ sqrt.(R2))  # dvz/dt

prob = ODEProblem(many_body!, u0, tspan)
#sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(),reltol=1e-8);  

function loss(u)
    _prob = remake(prob, u0=u)
    sol = solve(_prob,Tsit5(),reltol=1e-8)
    Earth_pos=reduce(hcat,[sol.u[i][19:21] for i in 1:length(sol)]);
    Sun_pos=reduce(hcat,[sol.u[i][1:3] for i in 1:length(sol)]);
    probe_pos=reduce(hcat,[sol.u[i][61:63] for i in 1:length(sol)]);
    mid_point = 0.5*(Earth_pos+Sun_pos);

dLdu = ReverseDiff.gradient(loss,u0)


@ChrisRackauckas Could you please give a look at this whenever you got the chance? It should be really straightforward and I have tried to follow your example here (just a slightly more complicated ODE)

Something is obviously escaping me :slight_smile:
Many thanks!