It seems you are missing synchronize(). If the while loop iterations are sequential, the synchronization should be done after each @cuda call. Kernel calls are asynchronous so the CPU makes the call and moves on.
updated my code, I didn’t need to synchronise after every @cuda call I just need to synchronise at the end seems to be sufficient.
Now the performance dropped to a very dissapointing 2.6s. Back to the drawing board. Probably need to update the algorithm to reduce the number of CUDA calls
using CuArrays, CUDAdrv, CUDAnative
# sort kernel
bisort!(shared, j, k) = begin
tid = UInt(((blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x)-1)
ixj = tid⊻UInt(j)
if ixj > tid
if (tid & k) == 0
if shared[tid+1] > shared[ixj+1]
tmp = shared[ixj+1]
shared[ixj+1] = shared[tid+1]
shared[tid+1] = tmp
if shared[tid+1] < shared[ixj+1]
tmp = shared[ixj+1]
shared[ixj+1] = shared[tid+1]
shared[tid+1] = tmp
bitonicsort!(cushared) = begin
CuArrays.@sync begin
k = UInt(2)
NUM = length(cushared)
nblocks = ceil(NUM/256) |> Int
while (k <= NUM)
j = div(k, 2)
while j >= 1
@cuda threads = 256 blocks = nblocks bisort!(cushared, j, k)
j = div(j,2)
k = UInt(k*2)
using SortingAlgorithms, BenchmarkTools
shared = rand(Float32, 2^26)
cpusort = @belapsed sort!($shared, alg=RadixSort) #735.216
shared = rand(Float32, 2^26)
res = Float64[]
using Flux
for i = 1:10
cushared = cu(shared)
sorted_shared = sort(shared, alg=RadixSort)
println("exp false;")
println("got $(cpu(cushared) |> issorted)")
t = Base.@elapsed begin
xx = cpu(cushared)
println("exp true;")
println("got $(xx |> issorted); max error: $(1_000_000_000maximum(xx .- sorted_shared))")
push!(res, t)
# 6.457073086
# 2.774147852
# 2.771599214
# 2.770980271
# 2.778133025
# 2.769555927
# 2.799603755
# 2.774497496
# 2.790657341
# 2.790034242
I can double the thread count per block and reduce the timing to 1.4s, but still slower than CPU radixsort.
Ok. As long as it can sort Julia arrays. But I think we will need to pass to the GPU the arrays we want to sort, so making it work with CuArrays is the way to use them in Julia.
It’s always good to have a pure-Julia version, even if there exist a much faster implementation (CUB), eg. to be compatible with element types that the other implementation does not support or is not compiled for, or to work with array views, support complex sorting conditions, etc.
I actually thought about porting cub to Julia last year, but last time I checked cudanative was lacking a few features like thread local storage, texture memory or something like that. For my mission calling one function is good enough so unfortunately I was not motivated enough to take on that.
Nonetheless cub is very very interesting and I learned a lot from reading it’s codebase. I think it showcases that a gpu can do much more that convoluting kernels. A lot of possibilities unexplored.
Yes, quite some CUDA features are missing. I’d love to spend more time on that, but there’s been very little interest in these features. So definitely open issues or ask for help if you’re interested.
Yeah there is an atomics feature request that I will need to implement a fast countmap. I am keen to see that feature implemented snd i promise to implement coutmap for cuarrays if atomics make it to cudanative