GPU kernel optimization (GPU vs CPU)

I am new to CUDAnative.jl and I am trying to benchmark a very simple computational fluid dynamic model (based on the 1D linear shallow water equations). Essentially I get 3.228 s when I run the code on a CPU (i7-7700 CPU, using only a single core) and 1.324 s on a GPU (GeForce GTX 1080). I am wondering if I should expected a higher speed-up. When using nvprof, 93% of the time is used in the function call cuModuleLoadDataEx and only 5.6% in the function cuLaunchKernel. Could it be that a data transfer issue?

The file shallow_water_gpu.jl:

using CUDAnative
using CUDAdrv
using Test
using BenchmarkTools

g = Float32(9.81); # m/s^2
hbar = Float32(30); # m
L = 100e3; # m
imax = 1000

nmax = Int32(2000000)
#nmax = Int32(200)
a = 2; # m
b = 5e3; # m

dt = Float32(1)
x = range(0,stop=L,length=imax)
dx = Float32(x[2] - x[1])

# u[i]       u[i+1]
#  |-----o-----|-----o-----|-----o-----|
#        η           η
#        i          i+1

function shallow_water_cpu!(η, u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax)
    imax = length(η)

    a = - hbar*dt/dx
    b = - g * dt/dx
    for n = 1:nmax
        for i = 1:imax
            η[i] = η[i] + a * (u[i+1] - u[i])

            im1 = max(i-1,1)
            u[i] = u[i] + b * (η[i] - η[im1])

function shallow_water_gpu(η, u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax)
    i = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x

    a = - hbar*dt/dx
    b = - g * dt/dx
    for n = 1:nmax
        η[i] = η[i] + a * (u[i+1] - u[i])

        im1 = max(i-1,1)
        u[i] = u[i] + b * (η[i] - η[im1])
    return nothing

# initial conditions

η0 = zeros(Float32, (imax, 1))
η0 .= exp.(-(x./b).^2)
u0 = zeros(Float32, (imax+1, 1))
u0[1] = u0[end] = 0

η = copy(η0)
u = copy(u0)

# upload data to device

d_η = CuArray(η)
d_u = CuArray(u)

GPU Benchmark

bgpu = @benchmark begin
           @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu($d_η, $d_u, $hbar, $g, $dx, $dt, $nmax)
           # download data from device
           ηg = Array(d_η)
           ug = Array(d_u)

GPU Result

  memory estimate:  9.19 KiB
  allocs estimate:  39
  minimum time:     1.317 s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      1.324 s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        1.323 s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     1.329 s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          4
  evals/sample:     1

CPU Benchmark

bcpu = @benchmark shallow_water_cpu!($η, $u, $hbar, $g, $dx, $dt, $nmax)

CPU Result

  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     3.220 s (0.00% GC)
  median time:      3.228 s (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        3.228 s (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     3.235 s (0.00% GC)
  samples:          2
  evals/sample:     1


sudo nvprof --profile-from-start off /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia
julia> include("shallow_water_gpu.jl");
==30576== NVPROF is profiling process 30576, command: /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia
julia> CUDAdrv.@profile   @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu(d_η, d_u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax)
==30576== Profiling application: /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia
==30576== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:  100.00%  1.36197s         1  1.36197s  1.36197s  1.36197s  ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1
      API calls:   93.48%  999.40us         1  999.40us  999.40us  999.40us  cuModuleLoadDataEx
                    5.67%  60.668us         1  60.668us  60.668us  60.668us  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.27%  2.9000us         3     966ns     330ns  2.0270us  cuCtxGetCurrent
                    0.25%  2.7230us         2  1.3610us     333ns  2.3900us  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.19%  2.0260us         1  2.0260us  2.0260us  2.0260us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.07%     800ns         1     800ns     800ns     800ns  cuModuleGetFunction
                    0.06%     616ns         1     616ns     616ns     616ns  cuCtxGetDevice

You’re misinterpreting those timings. 93% of all API call time is spend in cuModuleLoadDataEx, but that only accounts for 1ms while your kernel runs for 1300ms. Furthermore, that call only happens once, when loading the kernel’s code. I see you run nvprof with --profile-from-start off, but you should combine that with a warmup iteration and wrap a subsequent invocation with CUDAdrv.@profile. Doing so, you get the following trace:

==29781== Profiling application: julia
==29781== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:  100.00%  2.87128s         1  2.87128s  2.87128s  2.87128s  ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1
                    0.00%  2.7200us         2  1.3600us  1.2160us  1.5040us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   99.74%  2.86655s         2  1.43328s  33.885us  2.86652s  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.26%  7.3392ms         1  7.3392ms  7.3392ms  7.3392ms  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  3.3000us         1  3.3000us  3.3000us  3.3000us  cuCtxGetCurrent

Do note that the time for cuLaunchKernel there is pretty meaningless too: it’s the time spent performing the asynchronous kernel launch, and does not relate to the kernel execution time which is much longer in your case. The call to cuMemcpyDtoH now looks to be a bottleneck, but that’s only because it’s a synchronizing call and thus encompasses the kernel execution time. You can avoid that by manually synchronizing:

julia> CUDAdrv.@profile begin @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu(d_η, d_u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax);    CUDAdrv.synchronize();        ηg = Array(d_η);            ug = Array(d_u); end
==3606== Profiling application: julia
==3606== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:  100.00%  2.82452s         1  2.82452s  2.82452s  2.82452s  ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1
                    0.00%  2.7520us         2  1.3760us  1.2160us  1.5360us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   99.92%  2.82450s         1  2.82450s  2.82450s  2.82450s  cuCtxSynchronize
                    0.07%  2.0570ms         1  2.0570ms  2.0570ms  2.0570ms  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  64.823us         2  32.411us  13.720us  51.103us  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.00%  5.6620us         2  2.8310us  1.3250us  4.3370us  cuCtxGetCurrent

Now the memory copy time becomes meaningless too, indicating that you should focus any optimization effort on the kernel itself (which I didn’t look at).

Thanks a lot for you very helpful post. I guess that I will have to dive deeper into CUDA to better understand how to improve the performance of the kernel. Is there a way to find out which is the limiting factor (memory bound, instruction bound, latency bound) when running the GPU kernel?

It this a reasonable way to check for cache misses?

 sudo nvprof   --metrics tex_cache_hit_rate --events tex0_cache_sector_misses,tex1_cache_sector_misses,tex0_cache_sector_queries,tex1_cache_sector_queries /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia --eval 'include("shallow_water_gpu.jl"); CUDAdrv.@profile begin @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu(d_η, d_u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax);    CUDAdrv.synchronize();        ηg = Array(d_η);            ug = Array(d_u); end'
==9351== NVPROF is profiling process 9351, command: /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia --eval include("shallow_water_gpu.jl"); CUDAdrv.@profile begin @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu(d_η, d_u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax);    CUDAdrv.synchronize();        ηg = Array(d_η);            ug = Array(d
==9351== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1" (done)
==9351== Profiling application: /home/abarth/opt/julia-1.0.2/bin/julia --eval include("shallow_water_gpu.jl"); CUDAdrv.@profile begin @cuda threads=length(η) shallow_water_gpu(d_η, d_u, hbar, g, dx, dt, nmax);    CUDAdrv.synchronize();        ηg = Array(d_η);            ug = Array(d
==9351== Profiling result:
==9351== Event result:
Invocations                                Event Name         Min         Max         Avg       Total
Device "GeForce GTX 1080 (0)"
    Kernel: ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1
          1                  tex0_cache_sector_misses  1342145017  1342145017  1342145017  1342145017
          1                  tex1_cache_sector_misses  1284138539  1284138539  1284138539  1284138539
          1                 tex0_cache_sector_queries  2174171688  2174171688  2174171688  2174171688
          1                 tex1_cache_sector_queries  2076163976  2076163976  2076163976  2076163976

==9351== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "GeForce GTX 1080 (0)"
    Kernel: ptxcall_shallow_water_gpu_1
          1                        tex_cache_hit_rate                    Unified Cache Hit Rate      49.98%      49.98%      49.98%

50 % cache hit/miss seems pretty low to me.

Thanks again; CUDAnative.jl is really great!

Use nvvp to profile and use its guided analyses, it’ll tell you exactly that.

Wrt. cache misses, it’s more complicated than that. Look for coalesced memory accesses for example