Good workflow for data import/cleanup

I often have to import data from various measurement equipment or software. These come in plethora of formats and conventions. Some come with metadata. Some need to be appended with metadata (e.g. external parameters not captured by the instrument).

Right now I just write a custom script and will just scrape specific lines to extract relevant metadata. This is not sustainable. Can you suggest me a good workflow (cleanup → import → annotate) that will be easy to reuse/share? Any packages that can help with this nightmare?

Tabular data? TableTransforms.jl is your friend!

You can construct pipelines once and reuse them every time you get new data. It works with any kind of table and database implementing the Tables.jl interface. We use it a lot in our projects, and it saves us a lot of headache.

Bonus: if you need to handle geospatial tables, such as images, it works out of the box with the inclusion of GeoStatsBase.jl in the same session, which specializes the pipelines with additional methods.


*Most often some metadata is there in the file or is encoded in the file name. Sometimes that metadata needs to be added manually (e.g. column names).

I will share some files with some of their quirks:

Source-measure unit

ADC sometimes saturates and for a few seconds measurements are wildly off. Would be nice to detect, produce a warning and clean up the offending points.

VOLT1        ,CURR1        ,RES1         ,TIME1        ,STAT1     ,SOUR1        ,VOLT2        ,CURR2        ,RES2         ,TIME2        ,STAT2     ,SOUR2        
+4.599800E-01,+9.999920E-04,+9.910000E+37,+5.575000E-03,      3265,+1.000000E-03,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,         0,+9.910000E+37
+4.610300E-01,+1.040844E-03,+9.910000E+37,+1.000569E+01,      3265,+1.040844E-03,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,         0,+9.910000E+37
+4.621700E-01,+1.083410E-03,+9.910000E+37,+2.000581E+01,      3777,+1.083356E-03,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,         0,+9.910000E+37
+4.633100E-01,+1.127600E-03,+9.910000E+37,+3.000592E+01,      3777,+1.127605E-03,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,+9.910000E+37,         0,+9.910000E+37

Semiconductor device analyser

Data is hierarchical and hierarchy is in a offset tree. Tabular data is delimetered with a pair od [ ... ] but the opening brackets are always the first character of a line (ignores the hierarchy depth). Some files have one tabular set of data, some have multiple sets with different parameters. If temperature controller is not connected a NaN °C is recorded. I’d prefer a missing.

	Format Revsion	1.0
	Type	IV Data
		Format Revsion	2.0
		Type	IV
	Device ID	Device-1
	DateTime	6/21/2023 2:32:08 PM
	InvariantDateTime	06/21/2023 14:32:08
	Thermometer Channel-1	NaN °C
	Thermometer Channel-2	NaN °C
	ThermoStream Air	NaN °C
	ThermoStream DUT	NaN °C
	ThermalPlate	NaN °C
	Device	MOSFET
	Characterization	VDS	ID
	VGS = 18 V
		VDS	ID	VGS	IG	VDS(Status)	ID(Status)	VGS(Status)	IG(Status)	RDS	RGS		gfs
		-0.8146	-9.737	17.9992	8.6E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0836602649686762	209293.023255814	-113220.930232558	4466.66666683578
		-0.8103	-9.603	17.99923	8.5E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0843798812870978	211755.647058824	-112976.470588235	-5389.99999982109
		-0.8068	-9.4675	17.99915	8.5E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0852178505413256	211754.705882353	-111382.352941176	-1529.41176469986
		0.9307	8.548	17.99911	8.1E-05	0	0	0	0	0.108879270004679	222211.234567901	105530.864197531	-3419.99999988649
		0.941	8.637	17.99916	8.6E-05	0	0	0	0	0.108949866851916	209292.558139535	100430.23255814	1595.45454541188
		0.9497	8.7235	17.99922	8.4E-05	0	0	0	0	0.108866853900384	214276.428571429	103851.19047619	1441.66666663587
	VGS = 18.4 V
		VDS	ID	VGS	IG	VDS(Status)	ID(Status)	VGS(Status)	IG(Status)	RDS	RGS		gfs
		-0.8138	-9.7005	18.39916	8.4E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0838925828565538	219037.619047619	-115482.142857143	-11350.0000004297
		-0.81	-9.587	18.39915	8.3E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0844894127464275	221676.506024096	-115506.024096386	24400.0000009237
		-0.8063	-9.4565	18.39917	8.1E-05	0	0	0	0	0.0852641040554116	227150.24691358	-116746.913580247	3671.42857138122

LabView generated files

Uses commas as a delimiter and individual channels are recorded sequentially because of wrong VI config. Data needs to be reshaped and column names need to be manually added.

LabVIEW Measurement	
Writer_Version	2
Reader_Version	2
Separator	Tab
Decimal_Separator	,
Multi_Headings	No
X_Columns	One
Time_Pref	Relative
Operator	Lab PC
Date	2023/06/22
Time	10:32:30,3262085914611816406
Channels	1	
Samples	5	
Date	2023/06/22	
Time	10:32:30,3262085914611816406	
X_Dimension	Time	
X0	0,0000000000000000E+0	
Delta_X	1,000000	
X_Value	Untitled	Comment
0,000000	0,566565
1,000000	0,001000
2,000000	2,000000
3,000000	5,722850
4,000000	5,617282
0,000000	0,576423
1,000000	0,001500
2,000000	2,002500
3,000000	5,721466
4,000000	5,616231
0,000000	0,583428
1,000000	0,002000
2,000000	2,005000
3,000000	5,721620
4,000000	5,618589


File is sometimes encoded in UTF-16 depending on the platform.

Version 4
SHEET 1 1068 680
WIRE 48 48 -160 48
WIRE 128 48 48 48
WIRE 48 96 48 48
WIRE -32 112 -48 112
WIRE 128 112 128 48
WIRE -160 176 -160 48
WIRE 48 208 48 176

Result files can be ASCII or binary.

Title: * /Users/path/path/test.asc
Date: Thu Apr 29 11:39:27 2021
Plotname: Operating Point
Flags: real stepped
No. Variables: 11
No. Points:            1
Offset:    0.0000000000000000e+00
Command: Linear Technology Corporation LTspice XVII
	0	runs	param
	1	V(vs1)	voltage
	2	V(vg)	voltage
	3	V(g1_)	voltage
	4	V(vt1_)	voltage
	5	I(B1)	device_current
	6	I(C1)	device_current
	7	I(L1)	device_current
	8	I(V3)	device_current
	9	I(V1)	device_current
	10	I(V2)	device_current

I think the “right” way would be to write a small package for each file format, to handle reading and offer suitable options. Of course if some formats are related (e.g. different LabView output formats) they could be handled by the same package.

To go one step further you could then register the packages with FileIO.

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Specifically for LabView: Is the format that way because you cannot control the software?

Otherwise, for CSV etc. there is an option to control decimal comma vs. dot. Furthermore, NI TDMS format is better structured, esp. in respect to metadata, as compared to CSV. Unfortunately there are no Julia packages to read TDMS, but there exist a Python package, which could be used to convert TDMS to HDF5 or probably be called from Julia. I must confess I just read TDMS into Excel XLSX and then XLSX to Julia.

Another option: Labview can flatten data to JSON, which can be read by Julia.

This seems like a reasonable solution. In case of formats that are useful for other people it is a good idea to share. Custom stuff, e.g. if someone made a custom one-off logger could go in our private repo.

Sometimes it is that. Sometimes it is because there is already a plethora of data generated so it is easier to just handle the output than change the writer and redo the experiments. I know LabView can be massaged to output almost anything.