Gnuplot.jl polygon / patch plot

Dear all,
I’m trying to generate a patch plot using Gnuplot.jl. The aim is to generate a figure with plenty of polygons filled with different colors. So first, I would like to get to plot one triangle filled wit a given color.
To start with, I have found that very concise gnuplot example:

set xrange [0:1]
set yrange [0:1]
set zrange [0:1]
set xyplane at 0
set view 69,74
set object 1 polygon from 1,0,1 to 0,1,1 to 1,1,0 fillstyle transparent solid 0.5
splot 1/0 notitle

However I’m not sure how this can be parse to Gnuplot.jl API. Is this supposed to do the job?

@gsp "set xrange [0:1]"
@gsp "set yrange [0:1]"
@gsp "set zrange [0:1]"
@gsp "set xyplane at 0"
@gsp "set view 69,74"
@gsp "set object 1 polygon from 1,0,1 to 0,1,1 to 1,1,0 fillstyle transparent solid 0.5"
@gsp "splot 1/0 notitle"

Also is this the way to go to generate patch plots with gnuplot? Or should one rather use draw2d() like in this example? I do not find that many examples of such plots using gnuplot.
Thanks in advance for any potential hints!