Hi everyone,
I am looking for a way to realize the following situation with GLVisualize:
Given a dynamics under which “particles” are created and destroyed.
Output is a vector of positions. I would like to visualize the particles as spheres in the plane.
The naive solution follows along the lines of
using GLVisualize, GLAbstraction, GeometryTypes, Reactive
window = glscreen();
timesignal = fps(1);
# Randomize up to 50 positions in the z=0 plane
positions = map(_->[Point3f0(rand(2)...,0) for _ in 1:rand(1:50)], timesignal)
robj = visualize((HyperSphere(Point3f0(0),0.1f0),positions))
@async renderloop(window)
where position
is obviously a mockup of a real dynamics.
This approach however won’t work, because
Failed to push!
to node
42: "1 fps" = 2.2109999656677246 Float64 (active)
error at node: 66: "map(input-36, map(1 fps))" = nothing Void (active)
Dynamic resizing not implemented for GLAbstraction.TextureBuffer{GeometryTypes.Point{3,Float32}}
update!(::GLAbstraction.TextureBuffer{GeometryTypes.Point{3,Float32}}, ::Array{GeometryTypes.Point{3,Float32},1}) at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\GLAbstraction\src\AbstractGPUArray.jl:81
(::Reactive.##33#34{GLAbstraction.#update!,Reactive.Signal{Void},Tuple{Reactive.Signal{GLAbstraction.TextureBuffer{GeometryTypes.Point{3,Float32}}},Reactive.Signal{Array{GeometryTypes.Point{3,Float32},1}}}})() at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\Reactive\src\operators.jl:39
foreach(::Reactive.#runaction, ::Array{Function,1}) at .\abstractarray.jl:1733
run_node(::Reactive.Signal{Void}) at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\Reactive\src\core.jl:312
run_push(::Reactive.Signal{Float64}, ::Float64, ::Reactive.#print_error, ::Bool) at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\Reactive\src\core.jl:330
run_push(::Reactive.Signal{Float64}, ::Float64, ::Function) at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\Reactive\src\core.jl:317
run(::Int64) at C:\Users\stephan\.julia\v0.6\Reactive\src\core.jl:277
(::Reactive.##27#29)() at .\task.jl:335
One could probably create a new render object for each position, but that seems like it’d waste a lot of performance. Or maybe not? I am not well-versed in neither OpenGL nor GLVisualize.
Is there a preferred way to do what I’m trying to achieve here?
Thanks in advance for your help!