If I have a simple script that sets a variable at the top level, and then tries to modify the variable from within a loop, I get an error stating that the variable is not defined:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
i = 0
for j in 1:3
i = i+1
println(i, " ", j)
~$ ./test.jl
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: i not defined
[1] top-level scope at /home/dortley/test.jl:5 [inlined]
[2] top-level scope at ./none:0
[3] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[4] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1041
[5] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
[6] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:229
[7] _start() at ./client.jl:421
in expression starting at /home/dortley/test.jl:4
If I do the same code, but wrap it in a function, I get the behavior I expect. So the following works just fine:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
function go()
i = 0
for j in 1:3
i = i+1
println(i, " ", j)
Is this a bug, or are we not expected to declare globals at the top level of a script like that?
So I read through the discussion on the issue posted by @RaulDurand and I think I follow. I’d like to summarize below to see if I understand the discussion correctly and also for the benefit of others:
For the REPL and scripts, global variables aren’t seen inside of top level loops because of the possible ambiguity between local variables.
Global variables ARE seen inside of if statements without the use of global (any others situations?)
The behavior is intended.
It is understood by the developers that there is some friction with that decision, no need for more pontification, even if well meaning.
Currently, one can use [SoftGlobalScope.jl](https://github.com/stevengj/SoftGlobalScope.jl) or wrap stuff in a local scope such as a let block or function.
Something like SoftGlobalScope.jl will get implemented in Base for v1.1, though no change in language behavior is planned through all of v1.x
Fighting with my code by running individual blocks of code to manually debug the logic of the program, until I discover a new thing in Julia. For loops have scopes too!