Global scope: the meaning of the first-hit rule

Sounds very pragmatic, but here is the issue: this feature is intended 100% for people doing interactive scripts, and for largely introductory programmers. The more time you spent writing packages and submitting PRs to the core julia libraries, the farther you get from understanding those use cases. So then you have a bunch of people discussing technical issues without thinking about the usage scenarios it is intended to fulfill, as the end-users of the feature never have representation in those discussions.

At which point you say something to the effect of “I only care about people willing to contribute to the language and with the inclination and skills to be open-source contributors”. So lets not replay the conversation again and pretend it is just a technical issue. It is a strategic decision about how approachable Julia is meant to be, and whether the intention is to be competitive as an interactive scripting language for low-tech users. If that is not the intention, I want to know about it ASAP because it changes my personal strategy.