I’m new to Julia and it’s an awesome language. But I got some errors while running the GLMM. Looking forward to your help.
In my data, ‘species’ and ‘newOBJIDsic’ are the random effect, ‘bio_pd_mpd_mean’ is the fixed effect and the fixed effect has been scaled. Besides, there are no NAs in the data. The codes I used are as follows:
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, CSV, MixedModels, StatsModels, GLM, BenchmarkTools
dfAll = CSV.read("df.all.naomit.scaled.bio_pd_mpd_mean.csv",DataFrame)
dfAllform = @formula(ys ~ 1 + bio_pd_mpd_mean + (1|species)+ (1|newOBJIDsic))
gm1 = fit(MixedModel, dfAllform, dfAll, Binomial(), CloglogLink())
but got the following error:
ERROR: UndefVarError: emηᵢ not defined
Then, I try to add fast = true
in the code, as:
gm1 = fit(MixedModel, dfAllform, dfAll, Binomial(), CloglogLink(), fast = true)
then I got the following error:
ERROR: PosDefException: matrix is not positive definite; Cholesky factorization failed.
The data can be get from: data.
Thanks so much in advance.