My laptop runs Ubuntu 20.04. It has a discrete Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti GPU, which is set to be used on demand (“hybrid graphics”) following Graphics Switching (Ubuntu) - System76 Support . In an ordinary terminal, in order to run GLMakie on the GPU, I need to launch Julia as
(instead of just $ julia ). Is there a way of doing this within VSCode, i.e. with the VSCode Julia REPL?
You should be able to use the terminal.integrated.env.linux setting for that or set these env variables in your shell before starting VS Code (from that same terminal, of course)
Before I got to try your suggestions, I accidentally discovered that I no longer have to set these environment variables to use GLMakie - it now works “out of the box”! (Sometime between now and last time I tried to accomplish this, something must have been updated such that this is no longer required. Yay!)