GLMakie and Plots fail to precompile under Julia 1.8.4

Agreed, bu note that error messages come from the operating system, that’s why I had to write DependencyWalker.jl: operating systems, basically all of them, don’t tell you which libraries can’t be loaded even though they know it since they just looked for them.

@mkoculak @tt1234567 @matnbo or anyone else who can reproduce this problem, without running julia with admin priviliges, do you have the file joinpath(CompilerSupportLibraries_jll.artifact_dir, "bin", "libssp-0.dll") (you need to have the CompilerSupportLibraries_jll package loaded to to do this). If so, can you do

using CompilerSupportLibraries_jll, Libdl
dlopen(joinpath(CompilerSupportLibraries_jll.artifact_dir, "bin", "libssp-0.dll"))

? If so, I have no clue why libssp-0.dll can’t be loaded automatically.

Also, do note that MSIMG32.dll is a Windows system library, if it can’t be found we can do next to nothing about it. Do you have it in your system? I mentioned elsewhere that this library should be part of the Microsoft Graphical Device Interface (GDI), do you have this component in your system?